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I am here for Friends and Networking

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Good morning, afternoon, or perhaps evening to you! You are here by either me sending you a friend request, viewing me on someone else's page, clicking to see who I am; or simply by devine purpose of you being lead to my page. Whatever the reason may be I hope you will stay long enough to receive your blessing of encouragement and inspiration while reading my page in its entirety. I hope for those being nosey I haven't disappointed you thus far (LOL)!
I have been in the Travel/Customer Service/Hospitality Industry for quite some years now! Currently, I serve in the capacity of a sales consultant. I am the Event Coordinator in conjunction with my cousin the Managing Director of a new exciting Entertainment Group called Maximum Enterntainment Group, LLC. Our mission is to enhance the quality of entertainment in both the local and global communities by creating memories built upon social fusion. Altered by a mixture of travel and adventure, ME guarantees a unique experience with a promise to deliver consistent energy to the targeted market. ME will create lasting impressions with visitors and ensure that local citizens are the main showcase. The company's vision aims at showcasing the areas finest individuals upholding positive standards and professional demeanors by adding a twist of energy and zestful emotion. At a Maximum Event you will be indulged with an opportunity to be a part of the best state or stage of something, especially the most active and enjoyable period in adult life. With these same efforts ME will attack the global markets and expand to other cities where citizens desire the same interests. ME does not promote parties, but memories where destiny lies within your control. All of our events will be INVITATION ONLY so if you would like to be a part of one of the events I encourage you to view the website listed on the banner below and sign the email guest list to be updated with the event information. I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event in your city or one near you.
To know me as a friend is to possess a rare and precious gem...To know my heart is to embark on a journey to discover the world's greatest and most treasured ruins...To have the pleasure of being apart of my inner circle world is PRICELESS!
I am a genuine down to earth guy with a big compassionate heart. Some of the aspects of my personality would depict me as being friendly, spontaneous, intricate, unique, intellectural, affectionate, lovable, caring, romantic, and articulate, God fearing and a gifted poetic man. I am a good man, but it takes an extraordinary woman to realize this appreciate and reciprocate these attributes in return. So as you continue reading on don't judge me in saying "He is just some holier than thou conceited guy" (WE ALL STRUGGLE IN OUR FLESH DAILY ON ONE THING OR ANOTHER) however, I strive to surround myself around positive and motivated individuals to propel me to higher levels in my spiritual walk in Christ while appreciating my value, self worth and condifence as a christian while maintaining a well balanced life. God has allowed me to go through so many things to bring me to this pivotal point where I am today. We should all be very careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence we can reach in due time; however, Perfection is in God's will and for those of you seeking perfection, I suggest seeking God and discovering the "REAL YOU" So, now that the basic foundation has been laid and I have that off my chest (LOL) you now have formed your initial perception of me, please continue reading on to see if you are right as you enjoy getting to know more about Ryan. (Psalms 37:23) ~ "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way."(Proverbs 3:5-6) ~ "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
I love to travel and spend quality time with my companion when I'm in a relationship. I have no kids and never have been married (WOW ~ That's an interesting statistic within itself for a brother huh - LOL); but I do recognize and appreciate the value of a good Godly woman and family values. I was raised without a father due to his death before I was born by a phenomenal single mother that instilled in me "IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO BAD, YOU CAN DO BAD ALL BY YOURSELF." Therefore, I am patiently awaiting my help meet that God sends my way. I have zero tolerance for drama! Contrary to some beliefs I don't have a phobia of a commitment; I would rather be patient for the right one if it is to come to fruition and not settle for the sake of being involved with someone. I don't intend to settle for no less than God's best for me. Often times we jump into a relationship just to be involved and miss out on that very thing God had in store for us because we didn't wait for His divine manifestation.
You will find some of my personal expressions in some of the poetry I write. Although I write mostly for leisure, I sometimes write for individuals upon their requests. Please feel free to take a peep at some of my work on my blog page or the three I have posted below for your perusal. Also there is a picture of my beautiful sister and the poem I found after her death that she had written during the time I spent with her doing her illness, meditating and talking to God. She was a great friend, confidant, mother, and a tremendous woman of God that didn't let the adversities of life get her down. My sister, her legacy, love and inspiration along with her heart felt words in the poem below are some of the things that keep me striving daily to make heaven my home. Even though; you will find a lot of my work to be uplifting and inspirational pieces I do have some versatility (LOL).Click this website link to check out my custom designer and cousin TIMOTHY MAURICE DESIGNS who is also a writer, philosopher and workshop motivator speaker. Ladies and gentlemen can get their own personalized flavor so stop by and get some clothing customed for to help solidify your unique brand.
"TAKE MY LIFE"Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, all to Thee. May all I do and all I say Bring glory and honor to Thee today. Mold me and make me as You would have me to be, That Your light would shine thru me for others to see... Christ is the answer for heartache and sin Such a need in this world for the cleansing within. Begin, Oh Lord, in me I pray, Then reach out to others who have gone astray. Make me a vessel, pure and true, With one goal in mind, to glorify only You... And when I would tend to wander away, Remind me, Lord, to kneel and pray... For I don’t want to live for self again, Having been delivered by Thine own hand. So, take my life and let it be, Consecrated, Lord, all to Thee.
Copyright 2005 by Ryan
"THAT'S LOVE"My Savior and Redeemer reached down and saved a wretch such as I, And gave me a new life when I deserved to die. To become heir to royalties and to be His very own, To be blessed beyond measures I would have never known. He forgot and forgave me when I went astray, Because He was there all the time to show me the way. He opened my eyes so that I may see, The validity of His word would be revealed to me. He bled, suffered, and then had to die, To bring life, salvation, and eternity for you and I That’s Love…
Copyright 2005 by Ryan
“TRUE FAITH”The strength of my faith will always be tested, Until that one day my soul has finally rested. When my soul is satisfied, a little is a lot, But abundance is never enough when it’s not. Thanks be to God who satisfies my seeking soul, Once justified by faith cleansed and now made whole. I was filled with goodness, grace and His love, Embedded within me only from my heavenly Father above. I was delivered from darkness, sin, and strife Now I rejoice celebrating my brand new life. My ability to recognize the mere unknown, Wasn’t fully obtained until my faith had finally grown. Now, I believe in the sun though it is slow in rising, I believe in you without even realizing. I believe in rain though there are no clouds in the sky, I believe in truth even though people will sometimes lie. I believe in peace though sometimes I see violence, I believe in God even though he is sometimes silent. What do you want to believe? Open your heart to God and now ye shall receive. His peace that surpasses to help you understand, Through this true faith He guides you with His hand. Exercise your faith in everything you do, Because God will be there to comfort you. He is ALWAYS there; no need to wait, Wanting us to just activate our TRUE FAITH.
"My Journey"As I look back over the years of my life, I thank God for my heartaches and strife. No one knows the struggles I have had But God walked with me, Even carried me when I was sad. Through the lonely valleys I have been, Even when God had my heart in his hand to mend. Through the journey I may stumble and even perhaps fall, But it's His will I must do when it's my name He calls. I will always strive to make heaven my eternal home, This journey I must make even if I have to go alone. God, I need you every minute of the day, Camp you angels around me and keep me safe, I pray!I Love You,
Cheri Lynne Hayes 1967 ~ 2005
This last poem I am posting was written for a personal friend as a request for his boss that I knew. I hope you have enjoyed ALL of my poems and received a blessing. I look forward to becoming your new myspace friend.
“My Friend & Boss”A friend like you. is like a rare jewel Worth it's weight in gold... Or like a warm fireplace When our troubles leave us cold.A friend is like a burst of sunshine, On a gray gloomy day... Always there to cheer you up, In every kind of way.Friends don't need to say a word, Just being there is enough... It means we aren't alone again, When the going gets too tough!It was from your good examples That I took leave of some of my fears And entered the wide world of sales Which has proved to be a great career!I'm inspired to have experienced your endurance Keeping at this for so many years Your persona must be quite magnetic To get through and be heard by so many ears!Companies can create the best products And at everything else be quite grand But without a great boss behind them They might just as well sit on their hands!Having you to talk to is important to me Sometimes I just need to vent It is comforting that you don’t get angry When I complain with good intent.A great boss knows all these things And makes his team success a top priority You make a difference and improve work’s meaning And for that I thank you whole heartedly!
Copyrighted 2005 by Ryan
I would be remiss if I didn't mention "GOD'S SALVATION" for your life after you have taken the time to read my page up until this point and have seen His wondrous works in me, my family and my friends displayed before you. As the second hand on the clock above continues to move in time so are the hours, minutes, and seconds of your life! However, nothing in life is guaranteed and it's not to late for you to be saved. If you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior I invite you to welcome Him into you life today! Some of the things you should know is that eternal life is a free gift and cannot be earned. Man is a sinner who can NOT save himself; God is merciful and God is just! Jesus Christ came and died for ALL of our sins. Read these scriptures and pray the prayer afterwards if you are sincere in your plight towards salvation. (Romans 10:9-13) ~ "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.""For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." "For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.""For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him." "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.""Lord Jesus Christ, I need You in my life. Father, I know that I am a sinner and do not deserve eternal life because I have broken Your laws and my sins have separated me from You. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. God, please forgive me, and help me to avoid sinning again. I believe that You died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive today, and hears my prayers. I invite You, Jesus, to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward leading and guiding my every step. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. It's in Jesus' name I pray -Amen”

My Interests

There are actually to many things that interest me to list them all. Some of those interests are golf, basketball, drawing, networking and writing poetry to uplift and inspire others from time to time. One thought in particular that interest me more so than some is that day when the lady God has predestined for my graces my presence with her beauty and becomes my soul mate. (Psalm 37:4) ~ "Delight thyself in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."(Proverbs 31:10) ~ "Who can find a virtous woman? For her price is far above rubies."
An ideal of a first dinner date for me would go something like this. For starters, I would hope we would both be intriqued indulging in a simple but elegant evening. A nice candle light dinner to start the evening would be ideal that would perhaps lead into a walk together as we become better acquainted walking off some of the calories from dinner (LOL). If by chance time permits we could watch a movie at the theatre or either individuals place. When the evening draws nigh I would safely take the lady home and express to her just how much I appreciated her spending her evening with me and thanking her for her undivided attention I received. I would seized the moment by a simple but powerful kiss on the cheek to seal the moment.

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet my Savior and Redeemer (JESUS) when I pass from this life into eternal glory. Secondly, a nice soul mate, friend, and confidant to grow with and complete me would be nice. She would be a God fearing woman that is confidant, athletic to average size, great conversation, sex appeal, style & flavor! I'm neither conceited nor arrogant but rather confident in my disposition. I have my preferences and you know what you like so honesty and respect would be greatly appreciated in your approach. A simple touch of confidence will go a long way to help carry you through life's situations and adversities providing a sturdy foundation in the relationship. If you are honest and real from the start allowing God to be first in the relationship it will flourish. If you don't fit the criteria of someone I would like to date I still welcome the opportunity for you to enter in my realm of MYSPACE FRIENDS and network. I am here to meet new friends, inspire, chat from time to time, and explore life's possibilities to the fullest. I believe everything happens for a reason so you determine what type of friend you will be to me (REASON, SEASON, OR LIFETIME). REASON FRIEND (Romans 8:28) ~ "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."SEASON FRIEND (Ecclesiastes 3:1) ~ "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."LIFETIME FRIEND (II Corinthians 6:14) ~ "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"
Meeting new friends and networking is very paramount to our future so I don't want to be shallow and limit myself to a certain type of friends. I know what kind of lady I want to spend the rest of my life with so therefore I will be patient.
(I Corinthians 2:9) ~ "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
You will never know what you could have had or what would have been if you don't act on your intuition! Thank you in advance once again for acknowledging my prerequisites and being honest with me as well as yourself while reading this. Until time allows for us to communicate or meet in this small but yet so big world the rest will be continued and left up to your imagination!
I think one's compatibility, chemistry and attractiveness is determined instantly upon initial contact with someone. I am most attractive to someone that is assertive enough and knows what they want and takes advantage of the situation to seize the moment. So, if you desire to be loved; first come to the state of loving yourself before you can expect to be loved. Meanwhile, take that love you are recieving and make it the best you have ever had because life is to brief and fragile to idle away precious moments of undiscerning affairs and time. Be honest, honorable, and devoted to all your endeavors. Obtain the knowledge to stimulate one's mind, body, essence and soul and in doing so should yield a phenomenal total package for you.
So many of us in our lifetime seek out a love to feel love and an impossible void that may exist deep within. We look to others to instantly fix that very thing that we've neglected to work on for so long. In the aftermath of seeking out others to comfort us and love us, we soon discover that depending on someone to "VALIDATE" our self-worth actually causes more hurt and pain than we would ever have imagined. To successfully have a true and loving relationship, one must first look deep within themselves. We need to cleanse, heal, and purify ourselves before we can possibly bring someone else into our lives to be loved. If we cannot love ourselves for who we are and what we are then don't expect to receive genuine LOVE in return.
So are you this special lady that God could send my way? If you think we could have some things in common and great chemistry don't be afraid to leave a message. Are you capable of intellectually stimulating my mind? If so why haven't you clicked send message yet? (Smile) Destiny and fate awaits noone. " CARPE DIEM " (LOL) "If you don't have a real picture posted of yourself please don't bother to request to add. I don't chat or communicate with ghost.
WOW ~ You made it this far! Please send me your comments on my page, blogs, or some of the posted poems. For those that think or have said to me I am contradicting myself on my page by having some of my beautiful lady friends displayed on my front page in the top friends or eveng having them as a friend I won't to let you know YOU ARE WRONG and RE-EXAMINE YOURSELF. The word says "EVERYTHING" God made was good and so are these classy, professional, and sexy ladies. No nudity is being displayed and furthermore you don't know the significance, relationship or network possibilities these individuals may play in one's life. I said all that to say, "Don't be so quick to judge a book by it's cover but rather open it and absorb some knowledge about that book" Knowledge is power. THANKS!
True quotes for you to ponder on: "Love is like the wind...You can't see it, you can't touch it but you know it's there and even at times you are swept off your feet by it""Though the miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for love doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart.""God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
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I love Jazz, Gospel, Smooth R&B, Old School Rap, and some Hip-Hop of today. One thing for sure is that if you are over 25 you can always appreciate the Old School Classics because you can never go wrong with those tracks.


I like alot of movies that are to numerous for me to mention that range from comedy, drama, horror and even suspense. Basically, I like all types of movies (LOL)


All the old comedy television sitcoms such as What's Happenin', The Jefferson, The Cosby Show, Different World, Martin, and The Jamie Foxx Show to name a few. However, you can't leave out The Flavor of Love and some of the reality shows today!


"The Holy Bible" Kings James Version, NIV, The Touch Point Bible, Life Application Bible, The Living Bible and other translations
" Thinking About You" " SOON TO BE RELEASED Timothy Maurice Webster
"Cooked" Chef Jeff Henderson
"Passion for Your Kingdom Purpose" Dr. Sir Walter Mack, Jr.


My heroes and my close friends who have gone .. me as well as my father, grandparents, and my dear sister. May they all rest in peace in peace. Last but certainly not least, Jesus Christ who died for you and I that we might have the right to eternal life.

My Blog

FRIENDS - A Reason, A Season or a LIfetime?

I have compiled my thoughts in conjunction with the Reason, Season, of Lifetime lesson of hope and my poem at the end for your perusal.  I hope you enjoy. Have you ever wondered why some relation...
Posted by Poeticbrotha on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 05:41:00 PST

40 is the New 30!

Why Older Chicks Rule by Andy Rooney from CBS "60 Minutes". This is for all you girls 40 years and over.... and for those who are turning 40, and for those who are scared of moving into their 50..s......
Posted by Poeticbrotha on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 07:13:00 PST

Guess What?

I really don’t  have nothing to type to you today other than you are NOSEY (LOL)  As always if you put a catching header people will open it just like you did because you wanted t...
Posted by Poeticbrotha on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 01:59:00 PST

My Myspace Friends!

Sometimes people don’t often read their bulletins!  I want to make sure my friends know I appreciate them, so I decided to repost this bulletin as a blog. To all of my new friends, I welcom...
Posted by Poeticbrotha on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 08:40:00 PST

My Birthday Poem

THANK to "EVERYONE" for all your warm Birthday wishes.  It really means a lot to know even though I can’t chat with everyone on a daily basis that I am still in your prayers and thoughts (S...
Posted by Poeticbrotha on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 07:11:00 PST

What is this World Coming To?

The paradox of our time in history can be defined by a couple of different scenarios.  Here are some for your perusal while you contemplate on these true statements and which one best applies to ...
Posted by Poeticbrotha on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 06:33:00 PST

All Within His Plan

Sometimes things happen we don't understandAnd we begin to question why...Heartache, pain, disappointment and sorrowJust do not pass us by.Even though we're committed to God,And led by His own hand,Tr...
Posted by Poeticbrotha on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 05:04:00 PST

How Strong Is Your Man? (Please Read & Lve Comments)

The Strength Of A Man The strength of a manIsn't in how hard he hitsIt's in how tender he touchesThe strength of a man isn'tSeen in the size of width of his shouldersIt's seen in the widthOf his arms ...
Posted by Poeticbrotha on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 01:43:00 PST

A Homegoing Tribute & Poems For My Sister (Cheri)

I am writing to you about my precious sister you see posted on my profile.  She passed away Jan.26th, 2005 and I wanted to post my poem I wrote for her while I staying with her in ...
Posted by Poeticbrotha on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 09:04:00 PST

Oh Brotha Where Art Thou?

You Say You Want A Good Man...By Mellenik MuchisonYou say you want a good manAnd when it comes to finding one you won't.Because when it comesto really wanting one, Simply put ; you dont.You say you wa...
Posted by Poeticbrotha on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 05:13:00 PST