Jim profile picture


Philosopher King of a Small Island Nation

About Me

Me: EuroAsianAmerican Mutt (Pinoy Power!).
I'm a Virgo with Leo tendencies; born on the cusp. I'm also Sunday's child born in the Year of the Dragon. I'm not sure what all this mean, but someone once told me there's a lot of power inside just waiting to come out. Frankly, it could just be gas. I'm a game show geek. I beat Ben Stein on "Win Ben Stein's Money" and made it to the semi-finals on a Jeopardy tournament for Sony Pictures employees. I know a lot of useless information. But I think my mind is full now and everytime I remember a new piece of information and old piece falls out. So don't ask me to remember your name or your cellphone number.Does it get any more adorable than this?Man's best friend. Ricky taking a break during the Special Olympics. And no, he wasn't competing.More of me and the mutt! What's with the face Rick???

There are more Ibiza pics in my pictures section and let me know if you want me to send you a link to all the pictures.

Picture from Korea See all the pics in the picture section

My Interests

If the pictures or the photobucket slide shows don't show up, just refresh your browser and they should come up.

entertainment, films, television, writing, exercise, volunteering, music, dancing, travel, tormenting telemarketers, would-be community activist, helping kids, I'm a Big Brother, Venice Beach (any beach)oh, and FOOD!

I'd like to meet:

I have friends that are all over the map, literally and figuratively. Sometimes "who you'd like to meet" isn't nearly as great as those you "happen to meet." I'm open to everone, just don't be an ass or a telemarketer.Thank you to Fernando who takes 6000 pictures everytime we go out. At elast we're finally getting to see some of them. (He's available for Bar Mitzvahs, quinceañeras and bachelorette parties.)


Among my CDs you may find: Nat King Cole, Sasha & Digweed, James Taylor, Rolling Stones, Sandra Collins, Danny Tenaglia, Louie Prima, Bobby Darin, Earth, Wind & Fire, the Pauls (McCartney, Simon, Oakenfold, Van Dyk), brazilian, trance, house, D&B, etc. So basically I'll listen to anything.


My latest moviette, "The Best Part of the Day." The title is for obvious reasons.
Field of Dreams (go ahead make fun of me, but it is profound beyond words), Shawshank Redemption, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, A River Runs Through It


Freakin LOVE TV!!! I'll watch just about anything.My next favorite new show is 30 Rock. I thought it sucked when it first started but have you seen it lately? It's fuckin hilarious. Paul Ruebens (PeeWee Herman) as Prince Gerhardt? Gaddamn that is some funny shit!
Ricky and me from our Simpsons episode. (HA!)


Prayer for Owen Meany, Mysteries of Pittsburgh, (sorry i don't read much)--and the Almanac ( for short attention span readers like me).
I've been reading the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Good stuff!


I'm a Big Brother through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles. I created a mentoring program at Sony Pictures and we were recently given an award for our efforts. Pictured with me are the fabulous Tenisha Light and the President of Big Brothers Big Sisters, and a mentor of mine (plus just a great guy), John Kobara.

Maurice Greene ROCKS! I want to be him in my next life. Can you imagine running that fast? This video PSA is so cool, check it out. So if I can't be him I wasnt to be the man or woman who created this vid. .. width="425" height="350" .. And if I can't be Maurice Greene, how about this freakin dude! It takes him until about the 2/3 of teh way mark but then watch what he does. Un-freaking-real!

Now these people are real heroes!

The Alviola's, my mom with her brother and sisters that are still with us. The people in her family lived amazing lives through difficult times. They inspire me.

My Blog

My First Two Days at Sundance

Greetings from Park City, Utah, where it's f'in cold.  And when it's not f'in cold it's f'in colder!  I got here on Wednesday morning after a really bizarre flight where the made people get...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:46:00 PST

New Job! Director of Diversity at Film Independent

Well, I've accepted the position of Director of Diversity at Film Independent. Really excited about this opportunity. I'll be creating the Center for Film Diversity at Film Independent. It will be par...
Posted by Jim on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 05:06:00 PST

Korea Trip

Well I just got back from my trip to Korea.  As you may know I was part of a delegation that was selected to participate in a leadership and cultural exchange program. The trip was absolutely ama...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:17:00 PST

My Summer of Craziness

So I know that a lot of you haven't heard all the news that's been going on with me.  It's been a really crazy summer for me and I can't remember whom I told what.  So here's the recap for a...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 10:05:00 PST


Well I'm back from Ibiza, the pictures are up somewhere here.  It wasn't the trip I thought it would be.  When we first talked about going we obviously were psyched about the music and the c...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 11:44:00 PST

Knowing What's Really Important in Life

So I've always had this saying that I like to offer up when people seem to be putting too much energy into things or people (like work or horrible bosses).  "Don't ever do anything for anyone who...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 12:45:00 PST

"Dubya" Bumperstickers

Forwarded from my very liberal 79 year old Godmother.   32 NEW "W" BUMPER STICKERS FOR '07 1. Bush: End of an Error 2. That's OK; I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway 3. Let's Fix Demo...
Posted by Jim on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 03:22:00 PST

My life as a boxer (no, not the breed of dog)

So it's been a little over a month since I started boxing.  For those of you who didn't know, what the fuck? Don't you read the papers?  Just kidding. For those of you who don't know I start...
Posted by Jim on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 11:35:00 PST

Blacked Eyed Peas "BEBOT" Video

Little Manila FoundationBEBOT Press Release--EDITTED FOR LENGTHFor Immediate Release: Pop Stars the Black Eyed Peas premiere video for"Bebot," set in Stockton's Little Manila neighborhood circa 1938,o...
Posted by Jim on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:11:00 PST

L-O-V-E by the "KING"

I just posted LOVE by Nat "King" Cole on here.  I don't know why but this song is one of my first memories as a small child. I remember sitting in the car and it was playing on the radio.  I...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 04:01:00 PST