:|>a-l-ri|<: profile picture


Things upset you? Why? It's nothing to them. E

About Me

I'm full of organs....more organs means more human!

What Is Your Battle Cry?

S triding across the fields, brandishing a vorpal blade, cometh Dodivinter! And he gives a cruel scream:

"Brace yourself, oh human speck of dust! I bring annihilation and cheap beer!!"

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Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Patrick's Lurgy
Cause: influence of the Devil
Symptoms: crossed eyes, hair loss, extremely dry rot, automatic writing
Cure: sleep
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:

In the 2006th year I resolve to:
Dedicate my life to making someone else's horribly miserable and full of woe, utlimately causing suicide from ennui. Get your resolution here

What is your Anti-Drug?

My Interests

Sleep, drink, occasionally eat, art. Collecting sticks and flat stones. Staying on the move when it is not time to be still and being still when it is not the time to move.

I'd like to meet:

Adventurers, ninjas, and sorcerors...Video code provided by HotCodez.com
And perhaps a few breakdancers...


Neo-folk, industrial, black metal, experimental, rythmic noise. Wumpscut, Emperor, Death In June, HIV+, Bauhaus, Venetian Snares, Dioxide, Current 93, Cutti Sada, Haujobb, Empyrium, Genisekt, Dead HollyWood Stars, Kiew, Christian Death, Summoning, Lustmord, Ordo Rosaroius, Agaloch... to name a few...


The Reflecting Skin, Shaun of the Dead, Boon Dock Saints, Spotless Sunshine of the Eternal Mind, Amelie, The Brothers Grim, Star Trek IV, Royal Tenebaums, Donnie Darko, Worst Case Scenario, all horror movies (and yes... even the substandard ones... there always is at least something to sample in them.)


No television for me... just pirated star trek episodes on my komputer...


James Joyce, Frank Herbert, Piers Anthony, Zola, Robert Anton Wilson, Neruda, Mikhail Bulgagov, Nabakov, Franz Kafka, Edward Gorey, Robert Heinlein... bla bla bla...


My cat... he was suffering from demonic possesion but pulled through with amazing strength and courage. Cheers to you Mister Merlyn~

My Blog

Welcome home you stupid...

So the never ending saga of Nimve continues... I came home from school and couldn't find the little beast anywhere and of course Merlyn was of no help. After a horrible freak out of emotions I calmed ...
Posted by :|>a-l-ri|<: on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 05:31:00 PST

Welcome home kidnapped !

Have you ever had a cat kidnapped before? I have and it was awful. But after being missing and missed for 14 long months the little one has returned! Weclome home Nimve. If you have a similar experien...
Posted by :|>a-l-ri|<: on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 09:08:00 PST

Did you ever want a cyborg cat?

Posted by :|>a-l-ri|<: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Tibets Special Plan...

when everyone you have ever loved is finally gone when everything you have ever wanted is finally done with when all of your nightmares are for a time obscured as by a shining brainless beacon or a bl...
Posted by :|>a-l-ri|<: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST