♥♥d o n n a♥♥ profile picture

♥♥d o n n a♥♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

• i'm donna..i am simply complicated • i'm just an average girl living an average life • i am nobody to most and somebody to few • i live in my own world • i am random..(hence the order of this list) • my life has been blessed and cursed at once • i am a strange girl.. i'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing • i am perfect only in my imperfections •
i can tell alot about a person just by looking in into their eyes • some people scare me • i can see right through people • i am usually a good judge of character, although i've made my mistakes • i never truly finish anything i start • i am loyal • i have tons of acquaintances and very few genuine friends • I used to be jealous of people with lots of close best friends • now I realize i'm the lucky one with my special few •
• i hide behind my sunglasses • i am shy around people i don't know • i like glamour, goth, cybergoth, industrial, secret societies, clowns, freaks, geeks, rockabilly, old school pin-ups, anything not too mainstream • i love halloween and all things horror •
• i would love to be a "scream queen" • i loathe animal cruelty • i sometimes contradict myself • i am easily annoyed • i wish (and i feel like) i was still in my 20's • i often lie about my age, even here • i love thunderstorms • i love underground music • i watch cartoons •
• i am trying not to leave my shopping cart abandoned after using it • i am uber-emotional.. this is the one trait i most despise and appreciate in myself.. i despise it because it makes me feel everything deeply, and as a consequence, whether due to happiness or heartache, i sometimes cry • i have been accused of being 'emotionally unavailable'.. this has annoyed my boyfriends •
• i hate emails with more than one fwd: or re: in the heading • i will break chain mail every time • i have OCD so i have to proof-read everything 10 times before replying • i also spell check everything • my family means the world to me • i wear cheap t-shirts and expensive jeans •
• i hate getting older but love getting wiser • i have a short attention span • i thrive on creativity • i am mathematically inept • • i hate being late for anything • i love ebay • i need my alone time • i have a horrible memory • i love stand up comedy • i could watch monty python's holy grail & donnie darko almost every day •
• i am spontaneous • i like to try new things • i love miniaturized versions of already bit sized food • i can't sit still • i would like to think that there is good in everyone • i hate clutter • i make my bed every single day • i am nice to everybody • i like my sugar with coffee & cream • i like big fuzzy coats • i love massages • i hate cigarette smoke • i don't do drugs.. (drugs are bad mmmmkayy?) • i am legally blind in one eye ~ can you guess which one? •
• i was so miserable at my last job i cried almost every single night after work.. because of that job i finally learned to stand up for myself and demand the respect i deserve.. thank god for that job.. i am a stronger person today because of it •
• i despise people that abuse, physically, sexually or mentally, any living thing • just because i can work a room does not mean i'm a natural social butterfly • i'm an undercover introvert • i worry constantly about things i have no control over • if it's chocolate, i will eat it • my fast metabolism coupled with daily workouts means despite my gluttonous eating habits, i'm still thin • i hate playing sports, board games and cards • i'm only competitive with myself • i am extremely gullible.. to a fault • i often have a problem saying "no" to people and creating necessary and healthful boundaries, and consequently, i find i'm constantly getting stepped on and taken advantage of..i've learned that many people are out for themselves •
• i love a smooth glass of red wine.. i drink 2 glasses every night • i live in the south but i don't like nascar • i love makeup and false eyelashes • i love being girlie • i am a people watcher • i am independent • i love giving advice.. i'm great at it, too • it's like a magic trick i don't know the secret behind, the answers just come to me.. i can only do this with others.. when it comes to me, i'm clueless •
• i wish people would stop eating at mcdonald's and fast food in general • i say bless you when animals sneeze • i have never sat through one football game • i love to explore abandoned buildings • i love carnival rides • i hate waiting in lines • i am one of the few that thinks beer tastes nasty • i think outside the box • i want to know what breaks people •
• i am insecure at times • i have a great sense of humor • i say the wrong thing at the wrong time • i am one of those freaks who actually enjoys exercising .. it's not so much about being in shape - although i can't lie, i do love looking and feeling fit - but physical activity clears my head.. it de-stresses me and actually forces me to breathe.. no joke, without the push to inhale and exhale, sometimes i forget •
• i can't tolerate whiners and complainers • i hate talking on the telephone.. i would rather do just about anything else.. minus shopping with other girls.. i hate that, too • i don't understand how someone could harm a child • i paint my room a different color every year • i re-arrange things all the time • i love change yet i have lived in the same house for 13 years •
• happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude •
• i occasionally suffer from narcissism • i let people disappoint me • i give money to the homeless • i believe in second chances but not third • i look better blond • i re-invent myself all the time • i like people that are different • i tend to buy DVDs for display purposes only • i hate crowds • i love bizarre places • some people wear me out mentally •
• i take 20 items to the 10 items or less lane at the store • i like going to clubs less and less • i fear the dentist • i seriously almost choked to death on a vitamin • i want a tattoo removed • i love old cars • i can cook • i need to exercise more • i recycle in hopes that it actually makes a difference • i think women wearing bad lip liner should know better by now • my favorite color is black • i have a dark side • I love thunderstorms.. i love it right before it rains, when the wind kicks up and you know it's coming....
• religious people see god in the sky.. educated people don't see god anywhere.. enlightened people see god everywhere they look • i believe in God however i have so many questions that will forever remain un-answered • i find solace in knowing there is a purpose in my life • i can't handle it if someone smacks their chewing gum • i used to own a hearse • i can't swim but i love the water • i am bad at saving money but i am great at spending it •
• i am learning to keep my mouth shut • i want to be a vegetarian but i think steak is mighty tasty • i eat healthy for the most part • i fear for the future of this country • i'm on the cusp of a major life transition... yet another self-challenge.. i just don't know what it is yet • i have a hard time remembering things that i should remember, and forgetting things that i should forget •
• here's thing thing: there are many things i want to accomplish in my lifetime.. but they're all blurry and indiscriminate.. whereas goals should be focused and specific, mine are ambiguous, more metaphorical.. they are a fuzzy smudge as opposed to a dark, fine-pointed line.. and, as i'm finding, when your goals aren't specific or clear, neither is figuring out how to achieve them •
• what do i want to do? i want to help people • i want to write • i want creatively express myself • i want to be a great mom • i want to make a difference • i want to make people's days brighter.. these are MUSTS in my life, but beyond being the person who acts on all the above, every single day, i'm not sure where i belong, what my career options are and what paths i should get on.. because of this, i worry that i won't do all the things i want in my life, and instead, will wind up merely playing a supporting role in the lives of my friends and loved ones... while i want to support my family in becoming the person they want to be, and while i want to be a loving partner and as incredible a mom to my children as my mom is to me, i don't want my own dreams for myself, my life, to fall by the wayside •
my friend, i do not care what car you drive * where you live * if you know someone who knows someone * if your clothes are this year's cutting edge * if your funds are unlimited * if you are A list or B list, or never even heard of a list * how many friends you have * i will not fall in love with your bones and skin * i will not fall in love with the places you have been * i will not fall in love with anything other than the words and pictures that flutter from your extraordinary mind*
• blessed are the hearts that can bend, for they shall never be broken •
• we encounter many people during the course of our lives, some of which we know longer than others, some we find impossible to evade and some we never really know at all but in the end something is always gained and learned •
I changed my profile with help from pYzam

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My favorite poem...

My favorite poem... ~THE RAVEN~ Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there ...
Posted by eed o n n aee on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:49:00 PST