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Miss Julien

U Dont Have The Guts To Love Me Like U Wish U Cud.

About Me

MySpace Layouts
It's worth it to follow your heart and do what you feel is right for you, even though it's not the conventional route, even when the only person that believes in you is yourself. Leap with faith (and a plan GOTTA have a plan!!!)and the net will appear. Live to work, not work to live. Developing and elevating your mind and knowing how to clear your mind when you have to are powerful things. The mind is like a parachute, it'll only work if it's open. Time is the most priceless thing there is and it is best spent with family, good friends, good food, good music. What will you say when you look back on your life 1 day, 1 month, 1 year 5 years, 10 years from now? Just tryin to make sumthin outta this mutha'!ÃœI want to break away from the norm & stereotypin of people. I hope people would be less judgemental.
I love to teach and be taught*I`m a frank & REAL person*I’m fair-minded sometimes to the point of being opinionated*The lesson of money is prominent in my life*I can be quite inventive and quite curious*I have a diplomatic flair to my nature*Equality and fairness are important to me*I have a hard time expressing myself*I’m a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood*I can handle details well(sometimes)*I have a methodical mind*I conduct myself in a fair and just manner*I enjoy watching or participating in sports*I’m soft-hearted with a charitable nature*I must learn the lessons of self-worth;learn to love myself before I can love others*I enjoy being stroked verbally and physically*My world, good or bad, revolves around my family*I’m determined and loyal, and my word is my bond*I have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life*I’m a hard worker when I make up my mind to do a job*I have a need to be assured of affection*I try to be prudent*I have good business acumen*I have a discriminating nature coupled with perseverance and family pride*I have much inner strength*I have a need to earn money to prove your success to society and must learn the true value of material gains and status*I have a need to be up front*I have a rich inner life*Im a COWGIRL and loves the ADRENALIN RUSH!!ÜÜÜ
You think you know me... But you have no idea!

My Interests

Travelling || Variety || Fun || Photography || Clubbin`- PArtyin` || etc..

I'd like to meet:

It's obvious I'll add just about anyone... but don't be asking for my email address or anything like that.. cuz I am not one to give it out!! Meeting different people means learning different things. May it be good or bad. In 'GOOD' meaning, I take that as a guide to the next step towards my future. In 'BAD' meaning I learn from the mistakes that we, as humans make and try to surpass on that. To put it in plain and simple words, YOU... yeah YOU!... make ME who I am. So there... either YOU comprehend or not... that's for YOU to figure out...
~ People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. ~
Post your COMMENTS!!Ü


I can listen to all kinds of genre that doesn`t fall under my category of NOISE!!


Hostel || Rumor Has It || She`s The Man || DeRailed || Original Sin || Madagascar || Longest Yard || Wedding Crashers || Hitch || Million Dollar Baby || Korean Movies || Mona Lisa Smile || Wicker Park || White Chicks || Bad Boys || The Notebook || Forrest Gump || XMen || You Got Served || 50 First Dates || Spiderman I & II || Dawn of the Dead || Gothika || The Patriot || Mean Girls || Pearl Harbor || Interview with the Vampire || So Close || Queen of the Damned || Hot Chick || Save the Last Dance || Count of Monte Cristo || Dude, Where`s My Car ? || LOTR || Harry Potter Collection || Patch Adams || What Dreams May Come || etc..


Desperate Housewives || Project Runway || Beauty & the Geek || Ambush Makeover || Lost || ET || Insider || OutBack Jack || Pimp My Ride || 5th Wheel || Queer Eye for the Straight Guys/Girl/Gay || Meet My Folks || Who Wants to Marry My Dad || For Love or Money || MTV Cribs || Wildboys || Blind Date || Fear Factor || Girls Behaving Badly || ElimiDATE || Change of Heart || Discovery Channel || MTV || Sex and the City || Simple Life || etc..


Da Vinci Code || Veronika Decides to Die || The Alchemist || Like Water for Chocolate || Bob Ong || Purpose Driven Life || 5 People You Meet in Heaven || Memoirs of a Geisha || The Godfather || 48 Laws of Power || The Partner



My Blog

God wont ask...

1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove, He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation. 2. God won't ask the square footage of your house, He'll ask how many people you w...
Posted by Miss HeLen J on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST