cessylady™[i cure retards] profile picture

cessylady™[i cure retards]

letz go dancing nd fol inluv and brke each oderz harts wid a tragic gudbye && den 2moro we c

About Me

don't add me if you're not gonna talk to me!
be nice

→im frances
→16 years of age
→birthdate is november 13
→lives at cainta
→college freshman
→ spoiled
→middle child
→daddy's girl
→ moody
→memories makes me fart


→ God
→ family
→ screaming
→ photography
→laughing out loud
→colors viloet [&&] green


→wanna be's
→ plastic
→ ipis
→social climbers
→show offs
→ balot
→ prostitutes
→ epal

→people say i got pretty eyes^^ thank you people :) well i say minus the eyebags ==' well really, you can never know until you see me. haha!
→for more info, just ask. come on! don't be shy, i won't bite. [or maybe i will] *evil laugh*

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I always wanted to call someone my own,
Someone to be with and make me smile.
Sit in a corner and feel unusual.
Watch the twilight go by.
Kiss underneath the rain.
Lie on the roof and count the stars.
Is there such thing?
Would he even bother to look for me?
Someday I know I’ll meet that someone,
But then it shows that I have to prepare,
Coz sooner or later my heart will be burdened.
May not be entirely but at least a corner of it.
Would I be able to handle that?
Then again it doesn’t truly matter.
I really just want to call someone my very own.


msn: [email protected]
ym: [email protected]

my friendster

my multiply

comments makes my heart dance!

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=comments go hir=



fansigns slash banners are pretty much apreciated [trust me!]. so pls, don't be shy and make me one. thank you in advance ^^