My Positions on Key Issues!!! |
The economy is weighing on the mind of many citizensof Nevada, from filling up our cars with gas to buyinggroceries. The best way to shore up the economy of thiscountry is a comprehensive plan includ... Posted by James Smack for Congress 2008 Nevada CD2 on Fri, 23 May 2008 08:04:00 PST |
I’m Running for Congress in Nevada!!! |
To All of My Friends,I do not send too many bulletins, but this one is very important. I have entered the Congressional race in Nevada Congressional District 2, running against the incumbent Con... Posted by James Smack for Congress 2008 Nevada CD2 on Sun, 18 May 2008 08:44:00 PST |
Fun at the Nevada State Convention!!! |
I could talk about how well we did at the Nevada State Convention for Ron Paul, but I will let the media speak for me this time (if you are having a problem with any of these links, you can Google Ron... Posted by James Smack for Congress 2008 Nevada CD2 on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:21:00 PST |
What Do We Do Now??? Who Do We Support??? Who Will Stop BSL??? |
Many people have been asking now "well, now that it is obvious that Ron Paul is not going to win, where do we turn?" as far as a candidate who will protect our family against BSL. My plans going forw... Posted by James Smack for Congress 2008 Nevada CD2 on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 04:12:00 PST |
Humane Society Senator Ratings Scorecard |
The following is the Humane Society of America Scorecard for Members of the US House and Senate. Although there is no direct BSL bills included in the bills that these Senators were scored on, it sho... Posted by James Smack for Congress 2008 Nevada CD2 on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 02:18:00 PST |
Article On Barack Obama and Animal Rights |
Thank you to Gayle from Florida for sending me a copy of this article for my blog:HENDERSON, Nev. (AP) - Democrat Barack Obama says he won't just be a president for the American people, but the animal... Posted by James Smack for Congress 2008 Nevada CD2 on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 05:56:00 PST |
BSL in the Great State of Tennessee |
I unfortunately have nothing new to report on the BSL front as far as the Presidential candidates go, but there is some scary BSL information coming out of Tennessee. It is SB2738, sponsored by Tenne... Posted by James Smack for Congress 2008 Nevada CD2 on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:44:00 PST |
Mitt Romney and the Family Irish Setter |
This is a story I found regarding Mitt Romney and where the family Irish Setter rides on long family car trips...Romney's Cruel Canine Vacation By ANA MARIE COX The reporter intended the anecdote that... Posted by James Smack for Congress 2008 Nevada CD2 on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 02:48:00 PST |
More On Mike Huckabee |
Unfortunately, Gov. Huckabee has still not provided any kind of response through his campaign to my BSL question. I did receive an interesting article, which includes some more information/quotes abo... Posted by James Smack for Congress 2008 Nevada CD2 on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 02:32:00 PST |
Mike Huckabee |
As of 10:30 AM PST this morning, Sunday, December 23rd...I have had no further responses from either the Huckabee campaign or any of the other campaigns that I listed in a prior blog as to an answer t... Posted by James Smack for Congress 2008 Nevada CD2 on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 10:58:00 PST |