daddy,phone sex,LAUGHING HYSTERically,THE SECRET,smoking cigarettes, MUSICMUSICMUSIC, the tunnel to god, writing, beauty, speaking, honesty, my ritalin patch and lovely other meds, reading when i can, wishing i was riding my bike very slowly, wishing i was driving a car very fast, vigilantly avoiding passive aggressiveness, being alone (as much as possible) but not lonely, sleeping, dreaming, melancholy, self imposed isolation, eating soup, looking tuff, delegating duties (like: hold my bag, light my cigarette,etc)...medicated and unmedicated crazies, twinks, nelly bottoms, dykes, tranny hairdressers, containers, retards, people that know what they are doing, people that don't know what they are doing and ask me to tell them...
those w/ style and grace- or those w/ none at all...its really the same thing... unfortunately most people don't have enough of one or too little of the other, so i'm pretty much all set on people for now......................................................... ...........................................................p eople that will be useful during the apocalypse (any mechanical skills, gas syphoning abilities, rope making skills, or any personality quirk that will enable you to kill zombies fast qualifies) ............................................................ ................................ also NO FUCKIN pretentious art students, musicians that don't really play instruments, hipsters or cool kids-----i am too old and jaded to be charmed by people still TRYING to be cool......PLAY IN YOUR OWN SANDBOX KIDDIES!
today(this list got so ridiculous):timberlands new album, presets, the knife, HOT CHIP, hotel alexis, we are CASSETTE, MOTLEY CRUE, billy idol, lcd sound system, chic, the girls in hawaii-except they are from belgium, Otis Redding, LUXURY,the various versions of the originally PRINCE song "when you were mine"- particularly the crooked fingers, cindi lauper, and tegan & sara versions, the mash theme song-"suicide is painless",RuFUS WAINWRIGHT,johnny cash, various rockabilly jams, howard jones, soft cell, def leppard, JOURNEY, air supply, ratatat,postal service- when is a new album coming? edith piaf, talk talk, mike jones,neutral milk hotel,smog, pulp, the smiths and morrissey, judson mcrae, starstarquarterback, bon savants, fRANKSMITH, and you when your tappin on shit b/c it annoys the shit outta me but it makes you really happy......
anything old, MONSTER, peggy sue got married, anything wes anderson.....blades of glory tonite was pretty funny dude...
right now i am addicted to POIROT, the little beligian gumshoe...old faves-Hawaii 5-0 Dallas Dynasty Jeeves and Wooster The Young Ones The Golden Girls strangers w/ candy dobie gillis RHODA DRAGNET (mostly episodes involving juvenile delinquents)and lost in space--------------------ummm i don't have cable so if i'm watchin tv chances are it's PBS...does teen girl squad count as television? jeopardy,Aqua Teen, queer as folk(on dvd),THE FAMILY GUY Queer Eye, midwestern college basketball, arrested developement
my favorite book like possession is the large wedding album of Mary and Al from may of 1952, i don't know them but i have their wedding memories proudly displayed in my living room...I CAN'T FUCKIN READ RIGHT NOW BUT WHEN I COULD I WAS INTO:MOSTLY NON-FICTION-quantum physics and subjective reality...really into genetics- the god gene is amazing. FAVORITE authors-capote, anais nin, irvine welsh, camus, DH Lawrence, fitzgerald, nabokov,john irving, john updike, burroughs, carson mccullers, david sedaris,farina,bukowski,sylvia plath,sartre,p.g. wodehouse,augusten burroughs,robert anton wilson----generally read non- fiction though- bio's or whatever catches my fancy...oh yeah and lisa carvers new book...
my family for trying to love unlovable me and for watching me do the trapeze at jordans furniture 3TIMES!...drew's parents for making him...remus, who is staring down from heaven w/ his one eye, ready to head butt me and lick my eyelashes