ms. sánchez profile picture

ms. sánchez

i like to eat. i want to sleep.

About Me

i'm really not sure what to think or feel anymore. my life has made some subtle transition, almost imperceptible, to somethin i don't even recognize. it always used to be so sudden and drastic, or at least to seem that way. i think i changed inside, while the outside was changing, from the outside in; maybe in a negative way. that may never have happened before. this all may be very accurate and therefore frightening in its naked truth. or it might be a bunch of stress induced bullshit. choose your own adventure.i like banana chips. or do i?

My Interests

mustard. working. irritating. board games. human rights. journey.

I'd like to meet:

middle amaerica... at the polls... one by one...


i mostly sing about what i'm doing. usually to the tune of jesus christ super star. or television jingles. i like the sleepy's one.


charles grodin looks like he doesn't have enough slack around his mouth. it makes me alittle uncomfortable.


i like to play an eating game to law and order SVU with only one rule: you have to keep making rules... we're over a hundred.


do crossword puzzles that you don't actually finish count?


people that stick to their current face value, whether or not it flucuates, for whatever reasons. and people that believe in things, and understad why on fundenmental levels, not just because faith is the only virtue they bothered to nurture value in.

My Blog

how to cure pink eye at home... no joke...

so i really had bacterial conjunctivitis, ashleigh be my witness. red eye all around, red conjunctiva, which a nurse once showed how to find, and green junk collecting in the inside corner of my eye a...
Posted by ms. sanchez on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 10:58:00 PST

don't be a douchebag

go brush your teeth.
Posted by ms. sanchez on Tue, 08 May 2007 12:24:00 PST

i fucking love halloween

Posted by ms. sanchez on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:24:00 PST

i'm a big dumbass.

Q: WHAT MADE YOU SMILE YESTERDAY?A: my sister telling a story about her friend weraing a sex toy on her head called "the scorpion" and talking into it like it was a phone headset while her other frien...
Posted by ms. sanchez on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:05:00 PST