Combatting injustice within my tribe. So basicly I would like to explain myself as a militant monk. Not very violent but zealous about what I beleive. My King the Lion of Judah is worth laying down my life for. He is my everything and more real than the air I breath. I am in rebelion of the world's way of thinking because none of it makes any sense any more. All these so called new ideas and thinkings are all the same old stuff brought back and given a different name. Paganism and Demonology at its roots. People need to get back to the Real roots of why we were created and that is to worship the True Devine Creator The Great "I AM".
Those little guys in the box over there. I'm fixin to. Don't talk to me that way!
I listen to every type of music from classical to black metal as long as it is not new country (A.K.A. post 1980), or dashboard type emo crap. As long as the music contains talent of some sort. Duke Ellington is my biggest influence in music. He took complex music and made it sound like a storybook rhyme.
Lord of the Rings
Napoleon Dynamite
Les Miserables
Evil Alien Conqueres
Boondock Saints
sucks, who has the time. Throw it out the window from a 20 story building.
the Living Word of God, He Came to set the Captives Free, Prepare for War, The Spiritual Man, How Now Shall we Live, The Ministry of Intercession, Fossilized Customs
Lion of Judah, William Wallace, Martin Luther, Johnny Cash, Johnny Bravo