Sometime back in 2003, Tim and Slu, old college friends armed with guitars and an incredibly miniscule amount of talent (bar chords were an adventure), teamed up to form a comedy band called Sex Power. Their goal was to write inane and oftentimes vile songs that would appeal to the collective low brow sense of humor shared by their circle of friends. So, they spent a couple of weeks working on some songs and, in the meantime, the kind folks at the Dawson Street Pub were gracious enough to let them try and learn guitar in front of an unsuspecting audience at open mic nights. Slowly, they worked themselves up to below average (quite a feat!) and began to expand their collection of songs.
And then things got very strange. As if swept into a state of delirium by some Schuylkill-borne parasite, three of Tim and Slus' longtime friends, all very talented musicians, decided they, too, wanted to play songs about hermaphrodites, midgets, and man-on-horse love! And so, from the gutters of Manayunk, Electric Sex Power (ESP) was born. The band plays on to this day and, while the music has improved tremendously (it had nowhere to go but up), Tim and Slu will never forget their roots in mediocrity.
Electric Sex Power's goal is to serve as a positive role models for today's youth.
Flyers from past shows: