My family...wife, kids & step-kids...My career...Music, Television, Film, Business Investments...Trying to be a (good) and better person each and every day.If you download music on the 'net...Check out my new website at There are over 2 million titles in the servers. Hopefully you can find whatever you're looking for there...if me right from the site and tell me what you can't find. I'll try to get it put up ASAP.
YOU!!! Come on, let's hang out!
I love all types of music...Being that I work in radio - so, music is my life and pays my bills... However, on my computer (in my music files) at home I have everything from AC/DC to Donna Summer to 50 Cent to Frank Sinatra!
That's tough! I love all kinds of movies too...just like music...from Airplane to Wedding Crashers...I like comedies from Jim Carey, Eddie Murphy, Steve Martin, Mike Meyers, Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn...The classic stars: Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, Robert Redford...But ENOUGH ALREADY with the Rocky movies Sly!!!
I don't miss "The (Trump) Apprentice"...(thank God for DVRs); Biggest Loser (now THAT'S determination!); and I LOVE EXTREME MAKEOVER HOME EDITION (how do you build a house in 6 days, I know, I know it's a week but, they use 1 day for demolition...and it's been over 5 years since 9/11 and STILL haven't even sbuilt the tribute to the victims?!
I used to read a lot of PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) books...Like, the Power of Positive Thinking, Think and Grow Rich, Dress for Success...However, no time to read any more anything more than a page...sorry! Mags are cool though...
My dad was, is and ALWAYS will be my hero! Luis Otilio Lopez...RIP...I love you dad!