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Video "Pandemonium at 07:15"
Le Piment Rouge - Geneve - 2006
MJC Picaud - Cannes 2005
"...It´s pretty original and very hard to pin point someone with a similar sound to this duo..."
"...The Drum N Bass scene with the better elements of DIY Punk thrown in..."
Settled down once more with his faithful mistress music, Pits lay awake in contemplation as the plane trees leaves did soil the Diables bleus courtyard.
The warm breeze whispered "what are you waiting for?" Pits turned over and started composing in his mind.
From the damp grey isle he knew so well she came, as frail as the Diables bleus walls, GÃ li, the one with words and a voice to mouth them.
The warm breeze whispered the waiting is over, but Pits and GÃ li already knew this.
The time had come to exploit their different views, to combine influences, to compose the complex, the enchanting, enticing, wild, rebellious, forlorn, brisk tunes that poured out of their hearts and trickled from her mouth.
Two play mates on the run trying to over take the rigid and slow paced main stream.
Installé une fois de plus avec sa fidèle maîtresse musique, Pits restait allongé en contemplant les feuilles de platane qui recouvraient la cour des Diables bleus.
La brise tiède chuchota qu'attends tu ? Pits se retourna et se mit à composer en son esprit.
Depuis la grise et humide île qu'il connaissait si bien, elle vint, tout aussi frêle que les murs des Diables bleus, Gà li, celle qui possédait les mots et une voix pour leur donner vie.
La brise tiède chuchota "l'attente est finie", mais Pits et Gà li le savaient déjà .
L'heure était venue pour exploiter leur différents points de vu, pour combiner leurs influences, pour composer les mélodies complexes, enchanteresses, alléchantes, sauvages, rebelles, désespérées, et entraînantes qui s'écoulaient de leur coeurs et de sa bouche.
Discography :
2003 : "Freedom for Beats" 8 tracks cd (some Playmates tracks, some ESB), (3lowershop - San Fransisco)
2004 : Video clip "Farewell", on the Ethnopaire sampler, (with Beruriers noirs) F.Z.M. label.
2005 : "Playmates on the Run" 13 tracks album
2006 "Point Blanc Come Back" 4 tracks maxi CD
2006 : Track "Cocaine sweetheart" on Dreaden movie soundtrack
2006 : "Pandemonium at 07:15" on the UFO rulaiz inc sampler..
2006 : "Pandemonium at 07:15" on "I love Waks 'n' roll" sampler..
2007 : Second album "Ponder and Play"
2007 : "Playmates on speed" special remix edition with 9mm, Suburbass, FKY, Signal Electrique, Banditos, Weasel.....