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Feed the Machine

About Me

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MALAKWA is a wild trio with an almost epileptic energy born from a dirty urban-shamanist universe. Their influences are bands such as MINISTRY, ATARI TEENAGE RIOT or SKINNY PUPPY. Mat (vocals/machines) and Flux (guitar/keyboard), began playing together about four years ago and have surrounded themselves with new members which have each participated in « feeding the machine », and, at the present day, Mario 123 (samples, keyboard) is the new active member. Henceforth, MALAKWA stride along the roads in France and elsewhere (China, Switzerland, Germany...), searching for increasingly strong emotions and increasingly extreme shows. They have been able to share gigs with bands like ALEC EMPIRE + NIC ENDO (ex ATARI TEENAGE RIOT), 1969 WAS FINE (PUNISH YOURSELF side project), TAMTRUM, DEAD CELL, STENDECK, WAKS, BAK XIII (Genève CH), GOTHIKA (Tokyo. JPN). Worrying black lights, bones, skulls and voodoo dolls lay scattered on stage. Like a magic spell, «MALAKWA» is a world that belongs to two people who, with the cult of nature, seek to renew the ties with their instincts in a society which no longer allows it and in which they’ve lost their place… For “the one who transforms himself into a beast delivers himself from the pain of being a man.”
Malakwa’s first album «FEED THE MACHINE» available in January 2008, will come out on the Swiss label URGENCE DISK RECORDS.

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"Electropunk frapadingue des marseillais de MALAKWA, une des meilleures choses qui soit arrivée au genre depuis que Punish Yourself a remis au goût du jour les rythmiques saccadées et le lourdeur mécanique de l'Indus Rock. Un des groupes actuels qui sait le mieux allier la puissance des machines à l'énergie organique d'un groupe de scène ébouriffant"
Jonathan Hénnault
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"Pied de micro tribal, guitares rageuses, c'est du rock primitif et énervé des plus réjouissants"
My way on the right way (janvier 2007)
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Chronique de "Feed the Machine"
Publié le 03 Mars 2008
« Celui qui se transforme en bête se délivre de la douleur d’être un homme ». Voilà le thème de l’album de Malakwa. Feed machine se propose d’extirper vos instincts animaux hors de vos entrailles. Et aux grands mots, les grands moyens ! Le pessimisme du groupe s’appuie sur une construction sonore supersonique. Revendicatif et vindicatif, le propos est martelé sur le rythme épileptique des programmations, par ailleurs habillées de samples bien sentis. Comme quoi sauvagerie ne s’oppose pas à musicalité.
Jean-Philippe Blanchard
Nouvelle vague
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Chronicle « FEED THE MACHINE »
"Blessed the one who may say where we have fallen once we enter Malakwa’s universe. Loss of any notion of time, schizophrenia and spasms of all kinds are but the first effects of one the prickliest journeys from which you can not come out unharmed. All this works like a frantic waltz of acid sounds, corrosive voices and furious guitars, indulging in a merciless war for their own existence. Imagine an enormous test-tube from one of Philip K.Dick’s novels, the plans of which would have been drawn by David Lynch : add some Atari Teenage Riot for the energy, some Nice Inch Nails for the style, add a touch of Aphex Twin for the madness, let it operate.The mad milk-shake of « Feed the Machine » is ready to do its worst, no one knows its effects.
Nummer 123
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Jesus will mein fleish_Live@ CHINA (XI'AN)
Freedom_Malakwa live@Modern Dark Fest (Nantes)
MALAKWA live @ Underground Festival XVII (Geneve)

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MALAKWA 03.11.07: L'Hacienda:SIERRE (Switzerland)

My Interests


Member Since: 4/29/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

MAT: Lead+ Machines (sampling / programming).

FLUX: Guitar.

MARIO 123: Keyboards, sampling



(Malakwa KAB 063)
[email protected]
4 pl. des Volontaires
1205 GENEVE (Switzerland).


(Booking/ Management)

Mail : [email protected]
Website :
Tel : 0033 (0) 877 871 077
Mobile : 0033 (0) 6 70 70 04 57 (Eric)
Fax : 0033 (0) 4 94 16 02 13
1043 chemin de la Foux
83220 Le Pradet - France



Collectif / Organisation concerts soirées electro
(Rhône Alpes,FR/ Geneve, CH)


Compil' de remixes "Playmates on speed" (2008)

Influences: Ministry, Atari Teenage Riot, Revolting Cocks, Nine Inch Nails, Drum Corps, Cinema Strange, Skinny Puppy, Oghr, Lard, Siouxie and the Banshees, Alec Empire, KMFDM, Prodigy, Bak XIII, Les Sales Majestés, Sonic Area, Les Beruriers Noirs, Einstürzeide Neubauten, Metal Urbain, Wäks, Jefferson Airplane, Micropoint, Combichrist, White Dolls, Moshpit, Front Line Assembly, Punish Yourself, Aphex twin, Kap Bambino, Virgin Prunes, Richard Hell and the voidoid, The Damned, Iggy Pop and the Stooges, Sick of it all, Sheep on drugs, Svinkels, Peaches, Motorhead, The Velvet Underground, Alien sex fiend, T.Raumschmiere, Front 242, Le Tigre, Polytrauma, Playmates on the Run and so many more


Record Label: URGENCE DISK RECORDS/ I S Tour Prod
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

All Malakwa's Shows:

All Shows:..09/17/2005 - Le Lounge, MARSEILLE, (FR).04/13/2006 -Malakwa + The Playmates On The Run - Dan Racing, MARSEILLE, (FR).04/20/2006 - L'Intermédiaire, MARSEILLE, (FR).06/20/2006 - "Karnaval de...
Posted by MALAKWA on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 05:13:00 PST

All Malakwa's Shows:

All Shows:   09/17/2005 - Le Lounge, MARSEILLE, (FR). 04/13/2006 -Malakwa + The Playmates On The Run - Dan Racing, MARSEILLE, (FR). 04/20/2006 - L'Intermédiaire, MARSEILLE, (FR). 06/20/2...
Posted by MALAKWA on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 05:13:00 PST

Malakwaks: are looking for a place to play

oyé oyé!   Les groupes WÄKS et MALAKWA recherchent une date à Toulouse le 19 Janvier 2006! Cela dit, vous pouvez toujours nous contacter pour tout autre plan :-)   Venez visiter nos pages : ...
Posted by MALAKWA on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:33:00 PST


oyé oyé!   Les groupes WÄKS et MALAKWA recherchent une date à Toulouse le 19 Janvier 2006! Cela dit, vous pouvez toujours nous contacter pour tout autre plan :-)   Venez visiter nos pages : ...
Posted by MALAKWA on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:33:00 PST


First of all,please introduce your band to the readers.Mat: We are a three-piece band: Flux (Guitar, synthetiser), Pierro (bass guitar and guitar sometimes) and Mat (lead singer, machines). We get on...
Posted by MALAKWA on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 06:04:00 PST