This is a world that’s often said to be doomed, by our own self-destruction and ignorance. So lets get past that and picture all the positive elements, styles, and cultural forces, shaken and stirred with a hardcore yet gentle twist and touch. And then we can see that L. Brazzi is about to, and has brought you classic events, shows, clothing, unremarkable music mix-tapes/compilations, artist management, bookings, promotions, web design, advertising, modeling, literature, political and social awareness, a record label that’s in its beginning stages, and much more to come.
If you are tired of the music, culture and lifestyle you continually hear and view, then support this project. This is a movement created and supported by the people for the people.Wake up.........
The Time Is Now!!!!!!
L. Brazzi was founded by individuals who were sick and tired by what was going on culturally, as well as musically. The stage was already set from what was getting played on the radio as well as visualized on TV. Then what got flipped as styles and general attitudes in the streets L. Brazzi was founded on a whim ever so smoothly. They took what was boiling in them and based the whole initial foundation and structure on a 10 year old, rare, and unpublished book/manuscript called: The Essential Art Of Undermining Then Defeating Your Enemy To Ultimately Refuel The Revolution And Retake The Planet. A book written years ago by an unknown author that went under the pen name Luka Brazzi. Basically the book even longer in length (a whopping 2,000 pages) as a whole then even its title was deep-rooted guerilla warfare strategies mixed with nonsensical, yet somehow enlightening rantings similar to yet far ahead of Hunter S Thompson combined with Socrates. Plus it included masterful blueprints to over throw the government and restructure society. So of course The Man wouldn’t let the book surface on a mainstream level and reach a publisher. So it was forever banished to the underground (and far beyond that) because of its severe controversial material. So even on an underground level it is still nearly impossible to find. But luckily, or as if it was destiny years later it reached the hands of one individual who shared it with other groups of individuals that were associates, friends, and acquaintances from all different walks of life that shared the passion for change. Basically it created a spiritual and mental awakening that set off an explosion forever in their minds.
They quickly and almost as if they were possessed took what they got from the book and basically took Brazzi’s name and went under the flag L. Brazzi. Then they uncannily took his perception and hatred for the government and its war on humanity and replaced the government metaphorically yet realistically with just Corporate America and their conglomerates globally that controlled every aspect of industrialism. They separated themselves and their growing supporters right from the start from the corporations and their need to rape reputable culture by proceeding to tear its spine out and feed it to the masses by purposely putting gimmicks into its outer core and making a mockery out of an art and lifestyle till its looked upon as unintelligent senseless buffoonery.Then they clean it up and kill the rawness and start feeding it to the brainwashed majority till they are so numb to anything creative that’s not orchestrated by puppet masters (global gangsters) and they fall victim to the takeover of their minds and sadly those of their children do to.
So since its birth and many incarnations (many founding members have met untimely deaths, been incarcerated, went 7:30 and even left to pursue other things) L Brazzi Inc has taken on many transformations. Including recently getting reached out to by and then eventually taken over creatively and entirely by the man behind the name and myth himself….The one that is now known as L.Brazzi. His first contact was when he set forth his almighty words through emails that with such insight and knowledge that he could not be mistaken for anyone else. The emails basically mimicked his actual book and then some. So only devote L Brazzi disciples, Brazzites, could translate the doctrine, which explained his plan and then his story. It horrified and scared some making New Jack City look like Dawson’s Creek and The Exorcist look like it’s a Wonderful Life. The stories which included tales of police brutality (on police), hiding out for years (under the name Harry Ballsonya), hustling in the hoods of Rio De Janeiro (City Of God), getting so hungry that he didn’t even take off the plastic before cooking the Ramen, and musical knowledge and experience that made Phil Spector and ?estlove (The Roots) look like the Ying Yang Twins. Plus so many others that eventually ended in him finding god again through mere coincidence in a bottle of cheap tequila while eating Payote in the same Mexican brothel where Richie Valen’s (La Bamba) brother Bob hung out and drew Bugs Bunny and Buzz Buzzard. All that and basically a life unimaginable to even the most hardened person left the majority running scared before he even introduced himself in person. So basically who was left threw away everything they thought about life itself and left it at the backdoor. Since then L Brazzi Inc as a whole has constantly moved forward through the front door.
So who or what is L.Brazzi ????? The voice that will change the world, unpublished yet praised author, philosophical gangster, revolutionary, criminal, outer space alien ? Or maybe just an entity that became a voice to those who had none and a lifestyle and culture that was proved to be still alive. Well basically it's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma that might make people disappear if ever even pondered! So realistically your actual safe bet as ridiculous as it sounds is saying Brazzi 3 times at midnight in your bathroom mirror and waiting for him to appear and tell you his tales because its well beyond that now. Basically what started out a tribute to the author of a book, L Brazzi steamrolled miles ahead that and became a lifestyle that separated itself somehow miraculously even beyond such a powerful manuscript and the man himself ultimately defining its own and rightful place in this world by separating themselves from the machine to make a better life for everyone even if its just one moment. So just as long as the Corporations keep supporting underdeveloped music and lifestyles, L.Brazzi Inc will always be alive in the hearts and minds of those with knowledge of self and awareness for more then just decadence everywhere.
God Speed !!!