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The Heatseekers


My Interests


Member Since: 6/5/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Owen Mclean plays guitar and sings. Terra Marie plays the bass guitar. Chris Maggio plays the guitar and sings the sweet backup vocals. Chuck Loose sings and plays the drums
Influences: Patrick McGoohan as The Prisoner. Otis Redding. The Sonics. Black Flag. Black Monk Time. 99X. The Jam. AC/DC. The Boys. "Too Fast For Love". Turbonegro. Rotisserie Chicken From Villa's. "You Wear It Well". David Lee Roth. X. "Rambling Gambling Man". King Coleman. Fort Liquordale. Little Richard. New York Dolls. Small Faces. Queen. Mr. Andre Williams. The Gories. Trina, da baddest bitch. The Who. Hanoi Rocks. One Gallon Of Room Temperature Distilled Water. The Ramones. Esquerita. Russian Bath House. Beach Boys. Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice. The Slits. Mad Cobra. Cheap Trick. Aretha Franklin. Eddie Cochran. Stax/Volt. The Cramps. CRIME. The Eat. Vox amps and Fibes drums. The Stun Guns. Germs. Bad Santa. Billy Joel. Perspiration. Slade. Naked Raygun. Juan Garcia Esquivel. James Brown. Gun Club. The Devil Dogs. Peter Pan Diner, The Blasters, The Saints
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Notes from the Road-part the Second

As promised, the adventure continues... SAT JULY 17th Where's Chris? We all woke up around 10:30, and no Chris. Oh aint gonna stop me from showering! Shower, shave, dress, pack-up...h...
Posted by The Heatseekers on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Notes from the Road...

Ok, so , yeah....I kept a little journal when we did this stupid little tour Im bored enough, and Im gonna reprint here for all you to read, and laugh at. -It may not be the New Times...
Posted by The Heatseekers on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A guy walks into a bar...

and proceeds to fall through a table in Brooklyn. Long Live the Trash Bar. Best show of the tour. More soon....I love you all...except you. Your a horrible person. Owen
Posted by The Heatseekers on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST