Dominic profile picture


More haircut in the mains please.

About Me

New Release from Tuff Luvs - Party Dudes.....out now, order direct over here.
About me:
I book and promote DIY shows in Miami and other parts of Florida. Basically our whole deal is to support and promote creative shit in Miami in specific and Florida as a whole.
Check out these websites where I have my items of interest at for those projects:
New Art School
Our Myspace page is here.
I also play bass in an idiotic rock band called the Remnants. You can see our nicely redone and no longer lame website at:
The Remnants Home Page
Remnants Myspace Site
I also play in the Hooples
I play with Laramie Dean sometimes as well.
I like cats. I actually like cats a whole lot.
also check out SWEAT RECORDS
it is the bomb indie record store open now. the girl who runs it likes ice cream. ---
aim is dumbinic

My Interests

reading (really bad paperback novels), being a dork, being a nerd, being a geek, being a bass player in a rock and roll band, sucking at snood, spring break dancing in inappropriate locations at inopportune times, and 26's bitch.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone that i don't know and then the people I already know, plus the people I hate, plus just anybody and all others like or unlike myself. I think a whole lot more cats would be in order as well.


First off let me tell you that everyone I like is way better than everything you like, but here goes johnny thunders, humbert!!!!, thee headcoats, the remnants, the hooples, the swans, blonde redhead, Glenn Branca, Laramie Dean, neutral milk hotel, sonic youth, Gillian Welch, the clash, Aesop Rock, Pavement, Guided by Voices, Modest Mouse, The Stooges, GG Alin, anything real good lovely loud, Johnny Salton, Southern Culture on the Skids, Angry Samoans, Justin Timberlake, radiohead sucks dick, depeche mode is god, anything good, commercial or not!!!, oh yeah The Darkness.... I love it all .... there just are not enough hours in the day.......okay King Khan and BBQ Show is the shizzle too, Jill Scott. Thee Billy Childish. As of 9/05 ::: Lots of Meters, Stevie Wonder, Grover Washington, Diplo, De La Soul, Reigning Sound, Dos, and the usual. Okay so Tuff Luvs now a bit and Love and some Wailers and some Mummies and some Black Flag and some Nerves.


drugstore cowboy, caddyshack, permanent midnight.


No Thanks!


trashy mystery novels, arty farty books, non-fiction, whatever.....



My Blog

Iraqi Werewolves

I had this odd dream last night where I was fighting in the Iraq war in this converted house/mansion/bunker.  We would go on patrols and try to kill as many people as possible.  Then the hou...
Posted by Dominic on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 08:20:00 PST

BBQ Monday

at my house on 8/27
Posted by Dominic on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 01:29:00 PST

next week in atlanta

at the drive invasionwww.driveinvasion.comSATURDAY BANDSUNKNOWN HINSON - 7:40pmTIGER! TIGER! - 6:40pmJIMMY & THE TEASERS - 5:40pmTHE BURMESE CRUSH - 4:40pmTHE BELMONT PLAYBOYS - 3:40pmTHE BLUE JAY...
Posted by Dominic on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 06:57:00 PST

Laramie Dean - Saturday (8/25) at the Jetsetter Lounge

Saturday - August 25, 200710pm - no coverwww.jetsetterlounge.com1132 N Dixie HwyLake Worth, FL 33460(561) 533-7999...
Posted by Dominic on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 07:13:00 PST

last night at churchills

Thanks to everyone who came out to xbxrx last night. They put on a ridiculously high energy show full of awesomeness. I feel bad for anyone who slept on it. Definitely catch them at the first chance t...
Posted by Dominic on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 10:36:00 PST

Posted by Dominic on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 12:17:00 PST

Laramie Dean in Atlanta - September 2!!

Posted by Dominic on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 09:01:00 PST

Zombie Dreams

I had a dream that the world was being invaded by a zombie causing life form from outer space.  They would use human bodies as hosts and the humans would retain many of their personality traits f...
Posted by Dominic on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 06:14:00 PST

Laramie Dean - Free show in Lake Worth this Saturday..... Laramie Dean is playing a free show up in Lake Worth this Saturday. C'mon over 1132 N Dixie Hwy Lake Worth, FL 33460 (561) 533-7999 ...
Posted by Dominic on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 10:47:00 PST

30th birthday party up in NY area

Sat July 14 3pm Rain or Shine 17 Dorr Street Branford CT 06405  
Posted by Dominic on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 09:16:00 PST