reading (really bad paperback novels), being a dork, being a nerd, being a geek, being a bass player in a rock and roll band, sucking at snood, spring break dancing in inappropriate locations at inopportune times, and 26's bitch.
Everyone that i don't know and then the people I already know, plus the people I hate, plus just anybody and all others like or unlike myself. I think a whole lot more cats would be in order as well.
First off let me tell you that everyone I like is way better than everything you like, but here goes johnny thunders, humbert!!!!, thee headcoats, the remnants, the hooples, the swans, blonde redhead, Glenn Branca, Laramie Dean, neutral milk hotel, sonic youth, Gillian Welch, the clash, Aesop Rock, Pavement, Guided by Voices, Modest Mouse, The Stooges, GG Alin, anything real good lovely loud, Johnny Salton, Southern Culture on the Skids, Angry Samoans, Justin Timberlake, radiohead sucks dick, depeche mode is god, anything good, commercial or not!!!, oh yeah The Darkness.... I love it all .... there just are not enough hours in the day.......okay King Khan and BBQ Show is the shizzle too, Jill Scott. Thee Billy Childish. As of 9/05 ::: Lots of Meters, Stevie Wonder, Grover Washington, Diplo, De La Soul, Reigning Sound, Dos, and the usual. Okay so Tuff Luvs now a bit and Love and some Wailers and some Mummies and some Black Flag and some Nerves.
drugstore cowboy, caddyshack, permanent midnight.
No Thanks!
trashy mystery novels, arty farty books, non-fiction, whatever.....