Themed-gatherings, extreme matching especially with Dominic, fogged-up lab goggles, robots, cupcakes, training my kittens to prepare (basic) appetizers, fancy ladies, So Like Yeah Magazine, new toothbrushes, puns, hayrides, and of course, 26's bitch.
Ann Druyan, but at a Tupperware party.
It's gotta have the shimmy AND the shake
The kind you only kinda watch at the drive in...with someone cuddly.
"No, I haven't seen that commercial with the cartoon version of the chimpanzee dancing with the mop... but Ive been meaning to catch it. Oh, really? It's usually .. that reality TV show about homeschoolers who have to attend prom? How interesting, and you say an underground band from the nineties is playing in the background, how strange. I'll have to make a point of seeing it. Is it better than the commercial you told me about last week where the sailor floated all the way to the coast of Maine in a can of tunafish while Bjork sang? "
Only the most hard-hitting literature. STAR magazine, Weekly World News (may it rest in peace), So Like Yeah horoscopes; you know, whatever the intellectuals are reading.
My great grandmother can beat up your great grandmother.