Jay Lee profile picture

Jay Lee

Our vision becomes clear when it's blurred by tears.

About Me

i am a hardcore women.i only tolerate people for so long before i let them know how i feel about them. it takes alot to get close to me.i have few friends because i view everyone through my eyes.but the people i do let in find out that i am funny as fuck and love to have a good time. i am witty as the day is long,have been told i talk with a forked tongue.i like people who can be themself.i don't try to impress anyone.either ya like me or hate me. i hate to be lied to.i also don't like touchy feely people.don't touch my personal space!!! i am a mother of the three most beautiful babies.just looking at them melts my cold ass heart.i am married to an amazing guy. he works his ass off and still has time to help with the kiddies and to play guitar and write kickass fucking awesome songs.we are the perfect pair for each other.he is my heart and soul.the best breath of fresh air one could find..fuck i'm in love..
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

i'd love to see a fucked up donkey show.. does a girl with a mouth of donkey spunk swallow????
You Are Frank's High Heels! You stand tall and proud. But at the same time, you
don't mind if a sweet transvestite walks all
over you, as long as you can be stuck to
him/her like glue. Your a walking
contradiction. Sometimes black heeled,
sometimes white, sometimes red and sparkly.
Depending on the musical number. :-)

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tattooed people....Click here to get your own Unique Contact Box - Over 1400 to choose from


whatever happens to be in the fuckin player.. from marilyn to HIM..what ever the fuckin mood.. music makes the world go round just like fat bottomed girls..


action packed are always fun... but KEVIN SMITH is the way to go.. brillant and oh so fuckin funny..rocky i love ya the most....


i have three an 42 inch in livingroom an 16 inch in kitchen and a 20 inch in my bootyroom..no cable just great dvds.cable sucks in no brainers.get a fuckin life that doesn't revolve around unrealistic shit..make your own fun..


the long hard road out of hell-Marilyn Manson good for reading over and over..all Steven Kings older books like Misery,It,Pet Sematary,Salem's Lot,Thinner..To kill A Mockingbird,Grapes of Wrath,John Grisham and Steven Martini two great lawyer writers


my grandfather August and Mother Theresa.
You are Frank N Furter. You know you wanted this

Which Rocky Horror character are you?
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