~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~four holy men~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ordinary people who do extrordinary things~~~~ ~~~~~~~~and consider them to be ordinary~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~people who run fast enough~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~people who don't run too fast~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~scientists who don't crush romance~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~romanticists who believe in science~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~people who make me laugh~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~people who make me cry~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~people who make me laugh till i cry~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~people who could make me laugh~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~while i'm having sex~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~people who could make me cry~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~while i'm having sex~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~people who don't make me cry~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~not the wrong~eyed jesus~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a suicide king~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and a suicide fish~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *****************************************************
yes, please.
the end of violence
consistently, lulls, and then insults us.
of love and other demons
people who think things through~
people who work things out~~~~~~
those who get up~
those who get back up~~~~~~~~~~~~~
people who practice dignity~~~~~~~~~
people who learn balance~~~~~~~~~
trout fishing in america shorty~~
steve, dave, blow~it~up~bob~~~~~~
the girl who said................
"walk quietly, but carry a whiffle bat.
most people have holes in their heads."~~~~~~~~~~
and anyone who's seen me spill crazy,
and is still my friend.
travel well, makiko.
we love you.
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and mike ness.