"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." George Washington
To quote Pete Townsend "The truth of the matter is I'm fucking brilliant". I'm devilishly handsome and deathly afraid of midgets, yet oddly attracted to them. I have an affinity for Jim Nabors, Rip Taylor, Charles Nelson Reilly, Jim J Bulloch, and Richard Simmons, and many other campy gay homosexuals... Donny Osmond and Gallagher are pretty cool too.
I HATE GREEN DAY, METALLICA or any of those horrid ,marginally talented bands that sound like creed. I HATE HATE HATE Urban yodeling. It is an assault on decency and good taste, and a direct refection of someone's stupidity if they enjoy that crapskie. I hate tribal tattoos, I hate people who refer to a bar as "da club", I hate "divas", I hate fauxhawks. You are an automatic weinerbag if you dig any of the aforementioned horse shit!.... And there is probably no hope for you.
I dig college stations that is about. I have been in to ELD school punk rock as long as I can remember(as you can see from the photo taken in 95. I am totally trying to add something of me a little more new (picture wise, but I just don't keep many). Im a longtime fan of hardcore, bluebeat, 1st and 2nd wave ska (Skatatlites, Prince Buster, Desmond Dekkar), rockabilly( Wanda Jackson, Rockabily Mafia), and oi(I used to have a few skinhead friends, but only the traditional ones....non racist). In the early ninties I had an affinity for West London culture (although by my own admission, I kept this from most people, as I'm sure nobody would understand).... The Teds and Mods and such. I was a total mark for obscure subcultures, but then warmed up to the indie scene in about 96' by sheer virtue of proxy..... But when I heard Guided By Voices, and Robert Pollard's genius I could not deny it. As a rule I detest the idea that music must be categorized into genres or sub-genres, but in this case I think it is apt to at least give you a little insight as to who I am, and who I've been.
Along the way, I freely admit things were way too easy for me up until I turned 30, and forced to learn quite a bit about myself. For much of my life, I have been a self absorbed little shit, like most of the tools on this site. Not until now have iI been forced to grow up and get real with myself.
I am learning more and more that I am a work in progress. I am learning that it is impossible to figure it all out. I am learning that I haven't learned much because I "already knew too much". I am learning how dear friendship is, and that you should be willing to lose a limb to preserve friendships. Real friends are too damn hard to come by. I am learning that if your girlfriend wants you to straighten up, she isn't kidding. I am learning that it is impossible not to take things for granted, but when someone actually tells you that you are doing so, you better listen. I am learning that no one is innocent. I am learning where there is smoke, there is fire. I am learning that pride will kill you. I am learning that people who are in turbulent situations are usually turbulent people. I am learning how others must have felt when I wasn't there, because it blows when the tables are turned. I am learning that no one is above having their heart being broken. I am learning that it is never too late for a change. I am learning some times you have to cut your losses. I am learning that when people need their space, there isn't anything you can do but wait. I am learning that loving without prejudice may be ill-advised. I am learning that different people have different ideas about what love is. I am learning that love doesn't cure everything. I am learning that if you are about to see a bus crash, you better tell the driver. I am learning that I have a lot more learning to do.