Background from Yahoo search result
I enjoy spending time with my wife, working around the house, playing with our pets, cooking, visiting family back in California, playing sports games on my Xbox, and watching the occasionally televised San Jose Sharks games. I also enjoy seeing the Dallas Cowboys LOSE to ANYBODY!HOW ABOUT THEM PATRIOTS?!?!?!AND THEM EAGLES!?!?!?! aaaaand THEM AWESOME NEW YORK GIANTS!?!?! Thank you, thank you, thank you for putting those over confident cocky bastards in their place! I really despise the use of bad grammar (see previous sentences and figure it out) Nothing like feeding a stereotype, eh? I am also having a blast playing bass - currently I am blessed to be a member of Texas' best RUSH tribute band Exit Stage Left, and I get to play with three of the most talented musicians I've ever seen! It is an honor and a privilege to be part of the band.
Gene Simmons, Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson... I'd say Neil Peart too, but I know he'd be too shy.What famous bassist are you?Ver2
You scored as a Geddy Lee
You are Geddy Lee of Rush. You are very skilled at just about whatever you do and sing like you were just kicked in the balls. You have amazing bass lines and you will sing about anything: Cars, fictional people, the future, the past... Anything!
Geddy Lee
Gene Simmons
Paul McCartney
Terry "Geezer" Butler
Roger Waters
John Paul Jones
Steve Harris
John Entwistle
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RUSHRUSHRUSHRUSHRUSH, Yes, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Genesis, Jethro Tull, Spock's Beard, Dream Theater, Kansas, Lemur Voice, Styx, Kiss, Robin Trower, Van Halen, The Who and (did I mention I like Rush?) numerous others I can't think of right now.....
Apollo 13, Walk the Line, Castaway, Meet the Parents, Braveheart, School of Rock, Slingblade... uh....ummm.... that's all I can think of for now... we don't go to alot of movies.
Heroes (our Emmy Award winning friend Vicky Phillips does hair on it), Family Guy, Survivorman, Mythbusters, Man vs. Wild, Meerkat Manor, The Dog Whisperer, Hell's Kitchen, The Simpsons, American Dad, Frasier, Mind of Mencia, Southpark, the Daily Show, Colbert Report, The Soup, Dirty Jobs, Deadliest Catch, Intervention, House, Seinfeld... just about anything on History Channel or Discovery... and 49ers football!!!!
Roadshow by Neil Peart (in my opinion his best literary work ever!),The Da Vinci Code & Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, Ghost Rider & Traveling Music by Neil Peart, Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen (Thank You Tina!), The Bible (NLT)
My mom, Jesus Christ, Geddy Lee, Jeff Berlin, Chris Squire, John Myung, John Entwistle, John F. Kennedy, Walter Cronkite, Joe Montana, Steve Young, Jerry Rice, Roger Craig, Dwight Clark, Ronnie Lott, Jack "Hacksaw" Reynolds, Eric Wright, Keena Turner, Dwayne "Peewee" Board, Ricky Watters, John Taylor, Bill Walsh (RIP),George Seifert, John Glenn, Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, Jack Swigert, Gene Kranz, Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Michael Collins, Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Ed White, Roger Chaffee, Gordon Cooper, Alan Shephard, John Young, Robert Crippen, Ron Jarzombek, the passengers of Flight 93, the NYPD (and the Port Authority PD) and NYFD, all the first responders to the attacks on 9/11/2001, all the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, especially those who have paid the ultimate price.