TOM profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

my name is tom.......................i play in a sheffield band called opinicus.been together for about a year now and played a few good gigs round sheff.i have a big thing for guitars,they really do make me hard,just need more money to buy more of other great love in life was snowboarding but due to injury i have had to give that up(when you get to know all the people in accident and emergency due to frequent visits you know times up).although i do have a handfull of metal pins in my shoulder to remind me of it.5 things i couldnt live without:1 guitars.the creation of noise keeps me sane 2 beer.mmmm bbbeeeeeeerrrrrrr 3 smoking(am trying to get this removed from the list). 4 without it would be a little empty 5 my car. i am just too lazy to walk anywhereAND TO ALL THE FUCKERS WHO ADD PEOPLE TO LOOK POPULAR,STOP IT U SAD TWATS.ONLY ADD ME IF YOUR GONNA TALK TO ME,
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Created by Bart King
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My Interests


many kinds going from classical to death metal opinicus, dragonforce(fuckin awsome maiden on steroids), trivium, steve vai, joe striani, eric johnson, yngwie malmsteen, metallica, megadeath, iron maiden, cradle of filth, dimmu borgir, fearfactory, machine head, as i lay dying, still remains, vader, deicide, cannibal corpse, slayer, killswitch, deftones, manntis, himsa, relux, the red chord, strapping young lad(anyting dev) spice girls back door boys and take that




try not to watch it!


ummm.dunno! me. my parents. steve vai.

My Blog

guitar vids

heres some vids for guitar fans, david valdez -the witch .. width="425" height="350"> src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">..>  ...
Posted by TOM on Thu, 04 May 2006 08:35:00 PST