What is there to know about me?
Well, first of all, I'm very much in love with Cherry (if the big picture above didn't give it away). Just being with her makes me happier than I could ever imagine, and I love her with all my heart. Nothing else compares to how amazing Cherry makes me feel.
Oh, and this is probably a big thing - I work for O2 so as a result I don't get to come onto MySpace as much as I'd like to which kinda sucks, but ah well, it earns me money so yay for the job =)
Now to tell you about me. Well, here we go....
I love cars, especially muscle cars from the mid to late 60s and true hot rods as well as rat rods.
I love motorbikes and trikes, as long as they have chopper stylings like Harley Davidsons, Triumphs and Boom Trikes.
I love customizing and working on cars and bikes, and I believe that people who work on their cars as part of a hobby actually give their car a part of their own character and personality. You can learn a lot from someone's rod.
I'm also working on designs for my very own project vehicle, that will be based on, of all things, a Mk 3 Transit!!!! When I start the project, I'll be sure to start posting pictures on here.
I also love snowboarding, and to me it is such an amazing feeling ever just carving away down the mountainside and looking at the world from up there.
Another love of mine is music. I love music so much as there is so much expression and feeling in good music and there is a song to suit every person for every mood for every event. It's such a wonderful medium.
My favourite type of music is classic rock. I have the leather jacket, the long hair and the hearing loss LOL I absolutely LOVE Iron Maiden (hence the background) and Black Sabbath but I'm a fan of modern rock too like 30 Seconds To Mars and Funeral For A Friend.
I love tattoos as I love the idea of customizing stuff, and you can't get much more than self customization. I also feel that you can learn a lot from someone about the ink that they display and you can let people see aspects of who you are through the ink. I especially like ambigram tattoos as done by Mark Palmer of WoW Tattoos.
I quite like piercings too as I like the idea of being able to change them and change your appearance. Again, it's the self customizing that I enjoy.
I'm also a bit of a geek and I love proverbs. I believe that there is a lot of wisdom that can be extracted from the proverbs of the ages, and even if they are hundreds of years old, the knowledge is still good today.
I believe that life is for having fun and that too many people don't fully enjoy life and everything that there is in life.
Tattoo studio specializing in ambigram designs
Please check this out. B4BC is an organisation that is dedicated to promoting awareness of breast cancer to young women. They are involved with one of the largest communities within the culture of today's world - boarding. Snowboarding, skating, surfing, the lot, are all used to get people together to help promote awareness to large groups of people. You can get boards and gear that help support research into breast cancer, and if you're not a boarder, you can still get some of their clothing and apparal to support this worthy cause.
Check this out!! This is the music video for Betty Curse's song, Girl With Yellow Hair. You can't miss me really, I'm behind the girl with the yellow hair a few times and from behind I'm the guy with the long pony tail.
And not forgetting the snowboarding video! This is taken from the 2001 White Balance Movie. You'll see a guy with a yellow jacket and beige trousers blasting past some trees in the backcountry. That would be me :D I tried to slow down, and kicked out (like you do on dry slope) and I accidentally 180'd and hit the drop riding switch, which is why I didn't land it. Switch = Evil
I got bored, so I decided to fill this thing out. Pretty accurate actually for the main part.
Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid || 10%
Schizoid |||||||||||| 50%
Schizotypal |||||||||||| 42%
Antisocial |||||||||| 38%
Borderline |||| 14%
Histrionic |||| 18%
Narcissistic |||||||||||| 50%
Avoidant |||| 18%
Dependent || 10%
Obsessive-Compulsive || 10% Take Free Personality Disorder Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
Name: Dom "Phoenix Shadow" Mulvaney
Birthdate: 13th May, 1987
Birthplace: Weston-Super-Mare
Current Location: Sheffield
Eye Color: Blue / Green / Grey
Hair Color: Very dark blue / black
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 112lb / 8st / 50kg
Piercings: 1
Tatoos: 1
Nicknames: Canadian / Vaney / Dommie / Domdom etc...
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yeah, I'm taken, by the amazing Cherry :)
Overused Phraze: Anyways / Put it this way / eh?
Food: Apple Crumble / Jelly
Candy: Jelly Babies / Jaffa s
Number: 13 / 666
Color: Dark Purple / Black / Blood Red
Animal: Wolf, preferably Arctic
Song: The 1812 Overture / any by The Ghettobillies
Drink: Lucozade Energy Orange
Alcohol Drink: Stella / Guinness / Fosters
Bagel: I'm Canadian, I love ALL bagels :D
Letter: Don't have one, but fave letters are DOA
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: BurgerKing
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Hug
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Depends on the artists
Summer or Winter: Winter all the way!!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny movies
Love or Money: Love
IQ: 140
Bedtime: At the moment it's about 2am
Most Missed Memory: Saas Fee
Best phyiscal feature:' My hair and my abs apparantly
First Thought Waking Up: Shit, I'm awake
Goal for this year: Get a decent well paying job
Best Friends: Cherry, Laura, Vicki and Jen
Weakness: I care too much about others
Fears: Heights, but working on it
Heritage: Canadian / Irish / British, in order of preference
Longest relationship: The one I'm in now - since Oct 06
Ever Drank: All the time
Ever Smoked: Occasionally
Pot: Never
Ever been Drunk: Of course
Ever been beaten up: Not really, people don't get the chance
Ever beaten someone up: In self defence only
Ever Shoplifted: Nope, I go for the cars parked outside
Ever Skinny Dipped: Nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yep
Been Dumped Lately: Nope, never been dumped
Favorite Eye Color: Don't mind
Favorite Hair Color: Don't mind
Short or Long: Shoulder length at least
Height: Not too short and not too tall
Style: Goth / Grunge / Biker, either way, just themselves
Looks or Personality: Personality - looks always fade in time
Hot or Cute Er, beautiful
Drugs and Alcohol: Drugs no, alcohol yes
Muscular or Really Skinny: Somewhere between the two
Number of Regrets in the Past: I regret nothing as you cannot change the past so why dwell on it?
What country do you want to Visit: Canada - not hard dumbass!! Other than the native land, it would be both Polar regions :)
How do you want to Die: Young, doing something I love, or for someone I love, and with style
Been to the Mall Lately: Yep
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love them
Get along with your Parents: Yeah
Health Freak: Hell no!!
Do you think your Attractive: I think I'm alright, not the cream of the crop by a long way on looks
Believe in Yourself: 100% all the way, because if you don't believe in yourself, who will?
Want to go to College: Been there, done that
Do you Smoke: Every once in a while
Do you Drink: All the time
Shower Daily: Nope
Been in Love: Yep, I am right now
Do you Sing: Used to sing, but alcohol and yelling damaged it, so not any more
Want to get Married: Someday
Do you want children: Yeah, a couple of kids someday would be cool
Have your future kids names planned out: Nope
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: No particular age, just when I meet the right person
Hate anyone: Not a soul, not even the people who have tried to kill me
You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.
What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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You scored as Romantic Goth. You are a romantic goth, better known as a traditional goth. You are probably quickly identified as a goth by outsiders. Black lace, bats, and moonlit cemetaries are just a few of your favorite things. Click on my name to take my other tests if you liked this one.
Romantic Goth
Anything-Goes Goth
Ethereal Goth
Old-school Goth
Perky Goff
Understanding Outsider
Confused Outsider
Death Rocker
Fantasy Goth
What subcategory of Goth best fits you?
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