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Crazy Horses!!!

About Me

To save myself from any future embarrassment, I've beaten ya to the punch already!
...Here is a collection of pictures of the real, silly, dorky me...
…i am completely HOPELESS yet extremely♥ ....... talented
.....♥ i'm an eternal optimist
♥i suffer fromULTRA shyness condition i can’t seem to control…
i’m like a little mouse
...MARMITE rules!
♥i’m most probably the clumsiest person you’ve EVER met…
..........i horde allsorts of …♥ JUNK
.....♥i secretly want to save the world.. ...♥i think i can...i am in love with the art of fashion so much i can’t look at a Vogue too often or my passion for it makes me go hysterical♥at 13 i shaved ALL of my hair off... just to prove a point - ♥ that i'm not the same as you♥…i L♥VE tea
i’m a londonerbred… but not BORN…
♥i’m so obsessed with shoesies, i even have a God list… god told me to buy them – it is my lifes work….. ...........i'm LUCKY&hearts i have a best friend for life♥....
♥i have already found complete opposite♥......... he is one of them!
i'm in LOVE and always will be“everything happens for a reason” …so I believe…
♥i'm a vegeterian
....................but i eat fish...♥ beauty moves me so much that mere pictures of the cystine chapel overwhelms me and I cry…
♥i was once described as either - "the most indecisive person in the world or the most polite person in the world world"....... i think i'm b♥th....
......i HATE change&hearts ....... it freaks me out...♥....i’m NOT afraid of death… why should i be?
...............but i'm scared shitless the people i l♥ve will die.....Johanna on music… ♥Where do I start¿
Firstly I'd like to express my absolute hate to those haters out there... how ironic¿ Good music is GOOD man, fair enough it may not be all your style, but hating someone because they like shit music?
♥Fuck You♥
It’ not about that. Are you even qualified to say it’s shit? When you know nothing about that style? Fuck you.
We all know those people who are into a style of music or in that “scene”, because they're at that time in their life......... etc… etc… and we all know that they're going to be into RnB club music, (or whatever) in a few years time, but those people who stick to their music and love their music because they have a passion for it, then what's there to make fun of? Because they're true?
I'm not gonna turn my back on the music I used to listen to when I was 12 or even 5!
Yes, I listened to Soul, Funk and Jazz when I grew up, the only things I was into a that age is climbing and exploring all the terrain and buildings that surrounded me and my home, and the only time I would stay home in the summer is to watch Thundercats and He-man…other nostalgic 80’s cartoons
So the only music that reached my sort attention span listening was my mothers music and I love it, to this day it reminds me of the time in my life and it's a part of me.
And YES I listened to Spice Girls when I was 12, and I started listening to Backstreet Boys and O-Town and NSync. Yes. All that bubble gum pop. And What? I was too busy being young and being a girl, friends, school, bloody puberty! to give a shit what music was cool. So I listened to the only music that reached my ears through popular culture = Pop. And what? I'm not gonna deny it and I'm not gonna turn my back on it. Fact is. I liked that music for a reason, because it was happy, la la la, singalong, pretty shit. And I love it.
♥But the music that I love beyond cool and what tribe it associates me with or who is involved in the scene…♥ it’s Punk.
♥It all started one day when I first met Benji Madden. (Clicky here!)
Yup, I met Good Charlotte at the airport one day, while I was stalking my favourite band at the time O-Town. &hearts I didn't even know who they were and when I saw them all I thought they were in some Slipknot death metal, grungy band. But my friends seemed to know who they were, so with my uninformed balls of STEEL, I went up to these guys with a bit of arrogance, (because I didn't know who they were)…
And you know what? ♥
Benji and Joel were one of the sweetest guys I've ever met, which was quite refreshing at the time, (just had my heart broken♥). I was into fashion at that time and I remember Joel saying I dressed dope, but I think what started the journey was the flyer that Benji gave me. It was a The Used flyer from a gig they went to. I took it and yes, I downloaded a few of their songs, and now they're one of my favourite bands. They even gave us tickets to go to a gig, and I went and were surprised at how true the saying looks can be deceiving was!
Although my best friend Stacy got a bit obsessed with them at the start, and I wasn't even interested. I eventually caved in and found out more about them and they're influences and without them I would never have found legendary bands like Rancid or Green Day or AFI etc. etc. And I would never of had the greatest 2 years of my life the reason I don't need Uni-life. ♥ check my slide out… that’s what it was all about…
Note: I was very moral at the young age of 16 and didn't do any drugs, sex or alcohol at that age due to that time of my life when I could so be easily lead when I saw my school friends turn into the school tart or whore. I was a vegetarian, tree hugging, skin head ♥ No Lie
I put up these restrictions…
♥Now finding punk at 17, I wanted to discover and thought it was about time I had some good experience at being young and free!
♥ And with my amazing skills of detection and luck, (and some illegal money laundering), I managed to get to go to a load of tv appearances and music video shootings etc... and even managed to get enough money to pay for Stacy to come with me to Glasgow. RANCID CLICK HERE♥
I've ran away from home before, (totally another story), but I NEVER slept on the street!
Until I would be insane enough to go anywhere in the UK just to see my favourite bands play live. ..
I must have tasted alcohol before I was 17, (perhaps just a sip of my Fathers wine), but the first time I got Mest CLICK HERE And so, the two main loves of my life Fashion/Art and Music come into place. I found out things about punk that I've always lived by and respected.
♥A few things I found out about punk on my journey♥
PUNK is about doing what the fuck you want and not giving a shit about what anyone thinks. (If you knew me in High School, you'd know how this applies to me ).
♥Let's put it this way, I don't take to rules to kindly and I hate people telling me what to do, and although I'm a bit of a ♥Daddy's girl,♥ (true at heart♥) I hate authority in all forms, especially the abuses of power. When I found out that teachers used their status as a teacher to control me as a being, to put me back in line and to make me look like everyone else, when they use their power as an authority figure, to fill their ego that's when I lost respect for adults and all, (ok most) people with authority.
♥When you trace punk to it's roots, it's hard to miss Sex Pistols and Vivienne Westwood, (who has always been one of my favourite designers). Before I found punk, I wanted to be as individual and unique as I could possible be, so I dressed like a freak. I shaved my hair off at 13 (Yes!) Why? So I wouldn't be a mindless, clone drone of everyone else and finding out that's how punk started off, with the Sex Pistols, a whole fuck you scene of bondage tartan and safety pins and Mohawks. Yes they look like they're from hell, but at least they look different to you!
♥ And what about The Ramones? Kings (and Queens) of drainpipe jeans! No, but they started off being lower class as they were, (like most punk bands at the time), wanting to play music, but not having the education. Not really know how to play, but just knowing they wanted to. They're first couple albums, they probably knew a few chords at best, but they made a fucking hell of an album with em! And that's my dream too, ok so I don't know anything about making music, but I can sing like a mother-fucker and boy you better know I got soul.
Now you tell me why you love your music.....
Johanna's modelling...
……….♥My (ex)boyfriend and ♥love of my life&hearts took a job in Australia back in February, which I thought at the time would have lasted 5 long years……………..
……..♥I missed him so much, and after a few chats on msn I eventually did a couple of "naughty" pictures of myself to him.♥
Surprisingly I thought I looked quite good in them. I coincidentally, (or was it?) met a photographer after these pictures. ♥Lee Cropper♥ was the first to photograph me and since then...
♥ well take a look for yourself....... ♥
‘My Room’ by my best friend Yenge Kimona
Please click thumbs to view full size pictures… (only for 18+ some pictures may contain nudity)
‘Sleeping Angels’ by Tom Titus Powell
Please click thumbs to view full size pictures… (only for 18+ some pictures may contain nudity)
’Waiting for…’ by Gavin Mills
The Adventures of Muffin and Cupcake!...
Click On The Banner To View The Blog… (coming soon!)
Once upon a time there was a little Princess called Becky and a little Princess called Jojo… and they were the prettiest Princesses in the land… The little Princesses were best friends, and one day they decided to make up cute nicknames for each other because the loved each other so much… So Becky called Jojo – Princess Muffin and Jojo called Becky – Princess Cupcake… and they were very pleased with their new pretty nicknames... The two Princesses loved to party, but everytime they went out together, they realised a crazy exciting incident would always happen to them, so they decided to document their little adventures in a blog right here on myspace so everyone in the world can read The Adventures of Muffin and Cupcake!
SWANKEY'S Porno Themed Party!10/2/08
Johanna's fashion styling...
………i have been in withL♥VE fashion since f♥rever……
♥i am SKILLED in garment construction & pattern cutting…
yes darlings♥ i can design & make my own clothing from stratch!
….occasionally i have been known to use my fashion knowledge to help style some shoots…
…..many thanks to Julian Knight ♥ for believing in me =) ………

.. you can view these pictures on - ♥

My Interests

♥Music ♥Art In All Forms ♥Books ♥Fashion ♥Ancient History ♥Mythology ♥Death ♥Life ♥Astrology ♥People ♥

I'd like to meet:

♥ Audrey Hepburn
♥ Lars Frederiksen ~ 14/02/05 (click here)
♥ Brody Dalle
♥ Tim Armstrong ~ 07/11/06 (click here)
♥ An Elf
♥ Christopher Walken
♥ Sir Ian McKallen
♥ John Reed (used to my high school)
♥ Angelina Jolie
♥ Matt Ballemy ~ 28/11/06 (nearly!)
♥ Wentworth Miller
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These Are The People I Love Most In The World
These top 9 hold a special place in my heart.

♥My Brother Joey♥

♥ My Oldest & Bestest Friend In The World ♥

♥ My Daddy & Whole World♥

♥ My Princess Cupcake ♥

♥ My Only True Love Forever ♥

♥ My Best Friend & Motivator ♥

♥ My Max ♥

♥ My Constant Kerry ♥

♥ My Complete Opposite ♥

View All of My Friends
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♥The Distillers♥
♥ Rancid♥
♥ Lars Frederiksen and The Bastards♥
♥ Outkast♥
♥ AFI♥
♥ Minor Threat♥
♥ Tiger Army♥
♥ Avenged Sevenfold♥
♥ N.E.R.D♥
♥ N*Sync♥
♥ O-Town♥
♥ Joss Stone♥
♥ Morrisey♥
♥ Busta Rhymes♥
♥ Missy Elliot♥
♥ Beyonce♥
♥ The Smiths♥
♥ The Specials♥
♥ Sex Pistols♥
♥ The Clash♥
♥ Green Day♥
♥ The Cure♥
♥ The Transplants♥
♥ Muse♥
♥ Queens of the Stone Age♥
♥ Polysics♥
♥ Pharrell Williams♥
♥ Justin Timberlake♥
♥ JC Chasez♥
♥ Britney Spears♥
♥ Christina Aguilera♥
♥ Nujabes♥
♥ Minor Threat♥
♥ Tu Pac♥
♥ Notorious B.I.G♥
♥ The Darkness♥
♥ Katie Melua♥
♥ Randy Crawford♥
♥ Nat King Cole♥
♥ David Bowie♥
♥ Motorhead♥
♥ Yellowcard♥
♥ Led Zepplin ♥
♥ Mest♥
♥ Good Charlotte♥
♥ Linkin Park♥
♥ System of a Down♥
♥ 50 Cent♥
♥ Eminem♥
♥ Udata Hikaru♥
♥ Bond♥
♥ Nirvana♥
♥ Foos♥
♥ Red Hot Chilli Peppers♥
♥ Johnny Cash♥
♥ Incubus♥
♥ The Fight♥
♥ Cockney Rejects♥
♥ The 4Skins♥
♥ Nerve Agents♥
♥ Backstreet Boys♥
♥ Queen♥
♥ Jimi Hendrix♥
♥ Janis Joplin♥
♥ James Brown♥
♥ The Neptunes♥
♥ A Static Lullaby♥
♥ The Used♥
♥ Stutterfly♥
♥ Through Silence♥
♥ Guns and Roses♥
♥ Panic! At The Disco♥
♥ My Chemice Romance♥
♥ Paramore♥
♥ A-Ha♥
♥ Blondie♥
♥ Head Automatica♥
♥ Madonna♥
♥ Nirvana♥
♥ The Kaiser Chiefs♥
♥ Franz♥
♥ Sublime♥
♥ Sizzla♥
♥just about anything with soul♥


♥Lion King ♥The Goonies ♥Battle Royale ♥My Fair Lady ♥Leon♥


♥Angel ♥Family Guy ♥Nana (Anime) ♥South Park ♥Peep Show ♥Green Wing ♥Animals of Farthing Wood ♥Thundercats ♥Seasame Street ♥Lost ♥Heroes ♥Prison Break ♥Smallville♥


♥All Philippa Gregory Books ♥The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time ♥Battle Royale ♥Artemis Fowl (Series) ♥The Art of War ♥Angel Battle Alita ♥The Girl With The Pearl Earring ♥All Harry Potter Books ♥The Lady And The Unicorn ♥The Birth Of Venus ♥Sabriel (Series) ♥Vogue ♥Fashion Book MODA♥


♥Audrey Hepburn ♥James Dean ♥My Daddy ♥Gene Kelly ♥Doris Day ♥Grace Kelly ♥Fred Astaire ♥Judy Garland ♥Brody Dalle ♥Stacy (strongest woman I've ever known and my best friend) ♥Lars Frederiksen ♥Freddy Mercury ♥Tim Armstong ♥Dita Von Teese ♥Davey Havok ♥Jade Puget ♥The Ramones ♥Dave Grohl ♥Sid Vicious ♥Jonny Rotten ♥Vivienne Westwood ♥John Galliano ♥Karl Lagerfeld ♥Alexander McQueen ♥Tom Ford ♥David LaChapelle ♥Helmut Newton ♥Takashi Murakami ♥Fat Mike ♥Matt Bellamy ♥Morrisey ♥Johnny Cash ♥ Ken Niven - He saved my heart, and my faith in love ♥

My Blog

The Wacky Adventures of Muffin and Cupcake! Part 4

Did you miss us? Of course you did! It's been what?? Two& three weeks away from you guys? But now it's party time! Well, was party time& I can't party and blog at the same time can I now really? So he...
Posted by Johanna on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 04:06:00 PST

The Wacky Adventures of Muffin and Cupcake! Part 3.

Firstly let me explain about these leggings! I basically left my normal black ones at Ken's place, so the only other option was pink or neon yellow, thus I chose silver because I was actually wearing ...
Posted by Johanna on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 10:52:00 PST

The Wacky Adventures of Muffin and Cupcake! Part 2.

This is a very special night for us tonight, because this day last year, lil Jojo and lil Becksy met for the first time! Little did we know at the time we would become the unstoppable duo that is  P...
Posted by Johanna on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 08:01:00 PST

The Wacky Adventures of Muffin and Cupcake! Part 1.

Well hello there my beautiful myspacers! It's been awhile! I'm sneekily back tracking and updating from weeks ago, so please forgive the slightly hazy blog at best, because let's face it.. I have the ...
Posted by Johanna on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 07:27:00 PST

Waz 18th Birthday @ Paper

Raaaaaaa!!! It's Waz's birthday at Paper today! But I don't really know him, so I was just going for the lovely free food and to show off my beautiful new dress... (which was lingerie btw) hehee! Chec...
Posted by Johanna on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:27:00 PST

Yenge's Birthday @ Cafe de Paris

What a flopp of a night! I mean have we all gotten waaaay too old for our own damn good. I know it was Yenge's 21st birthday, but jeeeezus!! So it was Yenge's birthday coming up, and we were all skint...
Posted by Johanna on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 05:17:00 PST

Crazy Horses!

On one of the rare hot Summer day's in April we have had.. me and Yenge decided to go down to the fields and forestry area in Old Reading, right down the road near my home. I believed it was abandoned...
Posted by Johanna on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 05:48:00 PST

Rock @ Mean Fiddler

Well suprisingly enough, from all the changes to the planning of the night, it came off as a sucess! Firstly, me and Kerry thought we'd go to a club called Faces in Essex, apparently Danny Dyer was go...
Posted by Johanna on Thu, 10 May 2007 06:49:00 PST

Ellie's 21st Birthday

So today was the birthday of one of my oldest and dear friends, who I hardly see, but still love her as much as anyone else I see everyday, perhaps in some cases more so. Ellie! She's 21 today, and I...
Posted by Johanna on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:51:00 PST

Stacy's Engagement Party on Easter Sunday

It's my bestest friend's engagement party, and I didn't know what the hell you're supposed to bring at these things, so I bought some wine.. 3 bottles of the stuff! Yep guys I know, you can always cou...
Posted by Johanna on Thu, 10 May 2007 06:48:00 PST