Wolf King profile picture

Wolf King

WOLF KING ... It's a Pagan Thing Baby!!!

About Me

March 15/08 - Big news!!! I’ve been confirmed to be on the Circus of Power tribute cd, "Working for the Machine"; this is a huge honour as I’ve been a big COP fan since the late ’80’s. I’ll be doing "Heart Attack". More info later...
March 7/08 - Currently working on a new EP, remixing old stuff, recording a song for tribute cd, and getting ready to record vocals on 4 Doors songs.
WOLF KING is a home-recording studio project I began in June of 2001. Heavy guitar rock with a pagan theme, hope you enjoy.
Check out my Wolf Moon Sky project.
Feel free to be a pal and toss my banner on your site (let me know if you do).
A Pagan Community
Check out my friend, Gideon’s spoken word page.
Check out my friend Tony’s Iron Maiden Tribute Band; The Hell Dogs...

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests


Member Since: 6/1/2004
Band Website: THEWOLFKING.com
Band Members: Chris - gtr, vox, bass, drums/programming

The Lycanthropes
Additional Musicians:

Tony - bass, drums, keyboards
Band: The Hell Dogs
England, United Kingdom

Rob - lead/rhythm guitars
Band: Sharky Juice
Newfoundland, Canada

Influences: Music: The Doors, Circus of Power, Alex Mitchell, Danzig, KISS, AC/DC, Rob Zombie, Gideon Smith & The Dixie Damned, Alice In Chains, Alice Cooper, John Prine, Warrior Soul, Kory Clarke, Iron Maiden, Zakk Wylde, The Cult, Black Sabbath, Willie Dixon, Masters of Reality, Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction

Other: Alexander The Great, William Blake, ee cummings, David Gemmell, Randy Couture, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Julius Caesar.

Sounds Like: Circus of Power, Danzig, The Cult, The Doors (all wishful thinking on my part i’m sure)


Wolf Moon Sky - Song of the Rigante
Released - March 17, 2007 A full length CD recorded in tribute to late UK author, David Gemmell. This project was themed on Gemmell’s ’Books of the Rigante’ series.

"Icons of the Underground - Vol I: Glenn Danzig"
Release Date: October 31, 2006
My version of "Hollywood Babylon" appears on the Hedonism Records release; "Icons of the Underground Volume I: Glenn Danzig". This project was produced by Radu of Dead Rites and authorized by GD himself.

"Under The Radar: Volume I"
Release Date: Feb 14/06 on Antidote Records

The Antidote Records released an indie compilation, "Under The Radar Vol.1". My song, "Black Maggie" is on the disc. The Disc can be purchased @ The Antidote Records Distro.

"Black Maggie" Release Date: November 1/05
"Black Maggie" is a 5 song EP i recorded a few years ago.

PaganWitchGirl - Full Length CD
Released Nov. 1, 2003

Record Label: Pagan Soul
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Plans for 08

Well, looks like '07 is just about done, for myself it's ending on a bit of a sad note, I said "So long" to my little kitty, Inky last Tuesday, he was 12 and 1/2, he had lupus so we gave him the Big S...
Posted by Wolf King on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 06:09:00 PST

Reviews Are In....

My good friend, Gideon Smith (singer/songwriter/guitarist/poet/author), was kind enough to write a kindly review of my latest, "Song of the Rigante".Thanks Gid.Wolf Moon Sky - Song of the RiganteA Rev...
Posted by Wolf King on Tue, 01 May 2007 06:23:00 PST

What in the Good Gods of Gideon is blog???

seriously, what is it?
Posted by Wolf King on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST