March 15/08 - Big news!!! I’ve been confirmed to be on the Circus of Power tribute cd, "Working for the Machine"; this is a huge honour as I’ve been a big COP fan since the late ’80’s. I’ll be doing "Heart Attack". More info later...
March 7/08 - Currently working on a new EP, remixing old stuff, recording a song for tribute cd, and getting ready to record vocals on 4 Doors songs.
WOLF KING is a home-recording studio project I began in June of 2001. Heavy guitar rock with a pagan theme, hope you enjoy.
Check out my Wolf Moon Sky project.
Feel free to be a pal and toss my banner on your site (let me know if you do).
A Pagan Community
Check out my friend, Gideon’s spoken word page.
Check out my friend Tony’s Iron Maiden Tribute Band; The Hell Dogs...
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