Member Since: 7/12/2007
Band Members:
Influences: ............................................................
.........Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Church, JACO The Greatest That Ever Lived, RICHARD BONA (HE CAN DO NO WRONG) Bruce Hornsby, Joel Smith is the 1 and only reason I play the bass. He's KING on the bass in my world. , Yellow Jackets, Michael Tobias, "PAVEL", Vinnie is my favorite., Judith Christie McAllister is anointed. YOU CAN SING HER MUSIC ON SUNDAY MORNING which is rare now., Pharell Williams, Common, Mos Def, Slum Village, Brian Blade, Pat Metheny, Kevin Bond, Jason White,Zero 7,Dave Mathews,Mint Condition,Q Tip,Tribe Called Quest, Damean and Eathan Farmer, JJ Smith, Sharay Reid,Every bassist from Chicago. Derrick Jackson, Terry Tribett, Hawkins Family, Maxwell,Victor Wooten, Amos St.Jean, Jae Deal, Sam Sims, Perry Stone, Jack Van Impe,Bishop Tudor Bismarck, Grant Jeffrey, Jason Nelson, John Pattitucci,Jeff Berlin,Tim and Bob,Timberland,Alex Evans, Buddy Lakins,the ''WHOLE'' POWELL family (Little Kevin. You're a true inspiration), Marcus Miller,Johnathan Dubose, Terrance Palmer, Mark Walker,Tim Green,Kenny Shelton.
The Network:Justin Savage and Mike Reid. I have learned a lot from you 2 and I'm still learning. TO MANY TO NAME. I Am
Type of Label: Indie