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The Official House of God Survey by princeyonatan
How long have been in the House of God: 24 years
What generation Commandment Keeper are you:
Have you receieved the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:38:
What is the name of your church: House of God
Who is your pastor: Bishop Clark
What district are you in: Mid-west
Who is your State Superintendent: Elect Lady Minifield
District Superintendent: Bishop Holloman
Do you attend the state/district meeting both days: yeah
Do you serve in any state or district auxiliaries: nope
Do you wear the district colors to meetings: nope
Do you go to any of the other district meetings: yeah
Do you fly or drive to Lexington: drive
Are you an all week attendee or weekender: all week
Do you attend the day sessions/services: yeah
Mantle or veil: i hope none
Casual or dressy attire: casual
What is your favorite night of the meeting: friday
Aisle seat or in the pew: aisle
Musicians side or Elect Lady side of the temple: musicians
Have you ever sat in the balcony: yeah
Do you stay till the benediction: nope
Do you wear white all week or just on the sabbath: neither
Do you think the other convention should travel to different locations: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14th day - sabbath or not: Sabbath
Lexington Hotel: My moms house
Lexington Restaurant: My grandmothers kitchen
Bishop/Apostle: Jerry Carter
Elect Lady: Lady Woodard
Organist: Mark Mabson, Uncle Steve, Peter Mabson, Roy Mabson, Frank Perry
Drummer: Terry Baker, Benny Mabson, Bill Rawlings, Steve Williams, Jared Owens, G Askew, Chris Phillips, Nate Woodard, and Russell West
Bass Player: Uncle Mike, Simeon Baker, Issac West, Eugene Thomas
Guitarist: Tony Williams, Bishop Holloman, David Burno
HOG singer: Too many
Dancer/Praiser: Joel Wilson, David Brand, Seth Best
Choir Director: Elder Askew, and Terry Baker
Altar worker:
Horn Player: Elder Morrison
Do you like the new church seal: yeah
Which non-HOG preacher would you like to see preach at our National/International Convocation:
Which district has the best musicians: everybody is different, and i like them all the same
Best dressed Bishop:
Best dressed Elect Lady:
Last HOG church you visited:
Last HOG preacher to preach at your church:
Do you have any aspirations in the church:
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