Learning, Shopping, Travel, Becoming a better me
I would love to meet down to earth, humble, and most of all REAL people. Can't wait to meet YOU!
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
I love it - the world would be so empty without it!!!
Coming to America, I Am Sam, The Goonies, Lean on Me, The Devil Wears Prada ;-)...August Rush!
A Different World, The Cosby Show, Heroes!!!, America's Next Top Model, anything on the Food and Style Networks, Joyce Meyer, Joseph Prince, Brian Houston, Benny Hinn...
The Bible; Jane Eyre; Approval Addiction; Battlefield of the Mind; You Have Not Many Fathers by Mark Hanby (a must read!); The Priesthood is Changing; Good Morning, Holy Spirit (another must read!); ...I would love to read more - any suggestions?