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I have lived a pretty colorful life when growing up. I played the electric guitar an Aria Pro 2 plugged into a marshall quarter stack with a marshall 900 series head using a DOD super overdrive and Morley WA-WA pedal which gave me some real mind blowing riffs and grind with some nasty harmonics and feedback. I went to many garage parties and several concerts. I had done alot of my growing up on the streets. I was of the generation of the 80s ROCK and ROLL what is now called classic rock. During this time I got myself into alot of trouble and eventually joined the service, the US NAVY. Iv'e seen the Phillipines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thialand, Hong Kong, Korea, Australia, Japan, mexico, and Hawaii, here in the states Iv'e been to Chicago, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, California my home town, Oregon, Canada, and now state of Washington. I have been married now for 15 years to my wife that I met in the philippines and have a wonderful daughter. I have worked 20 years as a machine production operator. I am active in our church and I am working on becoming a Deacon. I enjoy everything about the outdoors. I like the company of others for get togethers, hangin out, movies, barbeques, driving around just seeing the sights, basically whatever comes up. I enjoy the arts; paintings and drawings in particular. I still enjoy the rock music but the head bangin stuff not much of any more, though sometimes. I like the ballads and easier rock. I am a down to earth man who likes to joke around. Most of all I Believe in GOD ALMIGHTY and JESUS CHRIST our savior.these are pictures of our church members that came to our house for mass and munchies. also pictures of my wife and daughter and us together seeing the sights.
Cool Slideshows!I like the radical extreem sports, Motorcross, BMX, Skateboarding, Jet boat racing, Bog races, Offroads, Monstertrucks, Freestyle skiing, River kyacking and rafting, drag races, Olympic gymnastics, martial arts. Any sport that pushes the body to its limits and makes you wanna puke.† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † †
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My Interests

To be cool please mark yourself on the map, I sure would like to know where you are from.
Cool Slideshows!These are some bands and groups that I grew up with and still enjoy listening to, mostly ballads though today.

I'd like to meet:




governments new technology that has the potential to forever change the earths ionisphere. It's applications range from nuclear defense, underground exploration, mind control, city wide blackouts, weather control, and airwave dominance. Known as the digital angel. This device will enable all human kind to be monitored, tracked and identified by corporate financiers for population control purposes. Morality in it's decadence of sexuality. The decaying of family values, human sanctity and healthy relationships. What the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and the Womens Right to Choose movements don't want you to know. It's all about the money, your children are not in their best interests. This is an example of the outcomes of such organizations as above that put little value on human life. And all of those who put self riteousness and pride above all else. Here is an example of 30+ years of moral decay. Of what was once lost children are now lost and confused adults. When we loose value, LOVE for one another and thanksgiving we will only be left with anarchy and chaos. When we look to our Creator and Jesus Christ and immerse ourselves in the words of God and truly follow his ways and means, only then can we be blessed and saved.
Cool Slideshows!This is only a very limited ammount of movies I have watched. Though the ones I have listed I recommend. My favorites are all the action movies. High volocity thrill rides, explosions, intrigue, fantasy, martial arts, you name it they rock.


These are some of the TV shows that I have watched throughout the years and to the present. The values sure have changed since the older shows. Though I'm not one to complain I really enjoy the action movies of today. It's just the family shows have lost there direction I think.


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My Blog

From Sin to being Saved

SIN There is a tremendous misconception in the hearts and minds of millions of people concerning the simple three-letter word SIN. Most people think SINS come in a variety of colors, shapes, and size...
Posted by Collin on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 06:35:00 PST

Why Conflict in the World?

.. END NEW RESOURCE HEADER ------>.. End Stoll Article Header ------------> ASK Newsletter 1st Quarter 1993   Why Conflict in the World? Constant and continuing conflicts in life, and in the ...
Posted by Collin on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 03:53:00 PST

Who is Jesus Christ?

Who is Jesus? Why It's Important to Know!Who is Jesus, and why is it important for us to know? We live in an age of religious pluralism and moral relativism. The popular spiritual philosophy, especial...
Posted by Collin on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 03:09:00 PST

Keep on keepin' on

   Keep on keepin' onIf the day looks kinder gloomyAnd your chances kinder slim,If the situation's puzzlin'And the prospect's awful grim,If perplexities keep pressin'Till hope is nearly gone...
Posted by Collin on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 10:13:00 PST