I firstly want to thank you for even starting this project to save our children, because we parents don’t spend enough time into the children today.I will pray for you and your project and if you need anything socially or financially, there aint no mountain high enough because I'm just an email away.We need more people like you in our world. This world can be a better place!!!Love, Patti La Belle
Hello my daughter I just wanted to take time to say congratulations on everything God is doing with your Ministry. Make sure you don't take God’s anointing likely because you never know whose heart God is going to used you to touch. I love you and God bless you Pastor Caesar
On behalf of the PAJAM family... We support your efforts ... Sorry for your loss and remember We got'cha back !!! J Moss
I totally support you in your crusade to stop the violence against our children. My prayers are with you and know that you will be blessed for doing God's work! Chaka Khan know that you will be blessed!.................................................... .............................................(Feel The Fire)Prophetess Lorraine Mackeyis the youngest of six children. Born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. Thiscourageous woman shows no signs of slowing down.Prophetess Lorraine is noted to be a powerful preacher,teacher, and singer. She is also a christian counselor inthe area's of domestic abuse, childhood molestation, andmany, many, topics of everyday life. She is also amotivational speaker for youths! Within the last year shehas joined up with youth organizations all over as anactivist against gang violence. With the tragic lost ofher son Aaron 18 years old who was murdered in 2006 by agang. Prophetess Lorraine took on the responsibility torestore our youth by taking her ministry to the streets.Musically Prophetess has been singing and directing choirssince the age of 8 years old. She states that there was abench especially for her to stand on so the choir couldsee the little directress. She began singing all over thecity of Baltimore and was trained by the best. Her careerstarted when she was casted in her first musical. Onceyou've been exposed to her musical gifting you will neverbe the same. The anointing on her vocals will carry you upinto the Spirit and by the end of the song you'll knowthat you've been with God. There's never a dry eye or sad face by the time you'vebeen ushered into the presence of the Lord through themelodious sound from hevan flowing through this anointed Woman of God.Prophetess Lorraine has many "Musical" examplessuch as Pastor Shirley Ceasar who is her favorite gospelsinger.(Prophetess), "Pastor Shirley Ceasar is my favorite gospel singerof all time. I'm more impressed with her example. She hasnever changed in pushing the gospel as it is written. Iwant to follow in her foot steps as a no compromise "JesusSinger" I also love Arlene Forrest, Lizzy Berry, Chaka Khan,Helen Baylor,Valerie Boyd, Vickki Winans,The Clark Sisters, Karen Clark Sheard solo project, Dorinda Clark Cole solo project, J Moss, Gerald LaVert, Donnie McClurklin,The late Luther Vandrous,the late Berry White,the late Milton Brunson, Cee Cee Winians, Vanessa Bell Armstrong, John P Kee,Shekinah Glory, Pastor Bruce Parham, Pastor Marvin Sapp,Kirk Franklin,Yolanda Adams,but it was musical legend "Patti LaBelle"that had the biggest impact on my life. ProphetessLorraine credits Ms. LaBelle for protecting the seed of ministry onher life, because of the things she taught her about lifeand the music industry. You never know who God will anointto be used in your life! I was going through so much backthen. I learned how to over come pain. Patti taught me avaluable lesson about being a woman."Never allow anyone toabuse you, never miss a moment to tell somebody that youlove them, never judge anybody,always look good even ifyou're going through! She stated," I remember one night wewere in Washington,DC and I was at the hotel saying goodnight to Ms. Patti, she saw I was headed out the door withthe older people that was going to the bar. She stopped meand said, "Lorraine go home, I mean it go home to thehouse!" " There was another time when we were in AtlanticCity and I ordered a pepsi, Ms. Patti stop singing andasked me what was I drinking? " I said I'm drinkingPepsi! " She said you better be!"This is two example ofmany interventions that kept me until the day the Lordcause me and Dr, Juanita Bynum's paths to cross. You'llhave to buy my book" In The Womb" when it comes out tohear the rest. I just can't be phony and not tell you thetruth about how I made it to the place where I am today. Iknow how church folk can be, but guess what? That's whyI'm exposing my whole story. God can use who he pleases.You better make sure you make it in...Through one woman'sobedience Dr.Juanita Bynum allowing God to use her tospeak a word of prophecy that change Prophetess Lorraine'slife forever. She was restored back into the church andreunited with the Lord. This was my road to "DamascusConversion" After Mother Bynum and Dr Juanita Bynumprophesied and prayed over me. I was in the floor forabout four hours. I was in the Spirit for over two weeks.I've been on the right path ever since. There's nothinganyone will ever be able to say to me about these peopleGod used in my life. I warn you; you will get rebuked! Imet the one of greatest Pastor in the world Pastor John Boyd Sr.of Jamacia Queens,New York. I have so much respect forthis Man of God. Since the day I walked into his churchI've never been the same. I set my standards high when itcomes to leadership and living Holy,Pastor Boyd and hisfamily have given me a special gift of love andunselfishness towards others,I've also gained the postureof authority and commitment to God with my whole self. Nomatter what God blesses this Man of God with he remainshumble and dedicated to service. He wont touch amicrophone in his church until he lays prostrate beforethe Lord. I've watched him for the last eight years andhis example has not change. So no matter where I am PastorJohn Boyd Sr. will always be my Pastor. Thank's for theexample Pastor Boyd, Mother of Zion Dr Juanita Bynum I Love You and Thanks for obeying God also for your example, Pastor Shirley though it took me a while I always remembered what you told me. I never played with the gospel. Now I got it and I will cherish it until I die, Ms Elaine White, thank you for loving and pushing me through school! Everyone will here more about you in my book! Dr Gail Johnson Thank you for covering me in the storms and keeping me focus on who I am! Ms. Patti you know how "PK" feels about you. You are precious to me and I'll always thank God for everything you taught me over the years. God's hands are upon your life. You are a powerful woman and I can only hope that you'll continue to rescue people like how God sent you to my life at the worse of times. You may not have a title of a Pastor, Prophet, or Evangelist. For Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at your heart. I wouldn't have never made it back to the church had I not met you. I would not have overcome all the abuse if you didn't teach me to be a strong woman. I'll never forget..... Thank You, Thank You, Thank You all!!! Prophetess Lorraine's motto is,"It'sA Beauty To Live Holy"..
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