A.D.N.A.P (All for the Discouragement of Neglect Against Pets) - previously known as Pets In Captivity - Canada is an amateur organization in association with the OSPCA , which my cousin talked me into launching after I was walking down one of the streets in the blissful surroundings of my little sub-devised Canadian town. However, all was not nearly as blissful as it seemed. As I was strolling down the road, I noticed something beckoning at the window of one of the matchbox houses. I couldn’t believe what I had seen. There, locked up in this tiny house, was a Pyrenean Mountain Dog (a large breed of dog, used traditionally for protecting livestock - especially sheep in pasture). After much deliberation, and after having listened to that beastly dog howling for consideration all night, I finally decided to call the OSPCA. Their response, maturity and devotion to protecting animals in combination with a little persuation from my cousin is what led me to start the awareness of Pets being held in incompetent Captivity. Although I personally feel that there are better ways of 'making a difference' as opposed to starting a myspace page, I do believe that fighting against the inequitable way in which a lot of domestic animals are kept captive is an issue which needs to be addressed - in which ever way possible. I guess you could say that the message we're really trying to convey, is that it is perfectly adequate to have pets as companions – by all means. But, with that does come a certain sense of responsibility. Let's be fair, all pets should have the right to be treated with the respect they have earned just by being in your care. I know it sounds a bit silly, and that it is sometimes questionable as to whether or not this mere myspace profile is actually getting any message across - but If you would like to make a difference, do yourself a favour and check out some of the stuff here, as well as the OSPCA website. But moreover, use your noodles people - don't be cruel to animals. It's not cool.
Oh, and for all the people out there who believe in the Bible, it says in Proverbs 31v8 I believe, that we should, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless." - so there you go! Start speaking up man! lol
A little more about myself... for anyone who cares.
Well, I was born and raised in South Africa – and that to me is the greatest privilege, and beyond doubt a contribution to the sparking of my love for animals. In 2005, my family and I decided to immigrate to the land of Maple Leaves. I have been blessed with the priceless opportunity to be able to view the world from two very different perspectives, and that too, is something I am eternally grateful for. I have also learned a great many things since the move. I have learned, for example, that there is such a thing as a “snow shovel,†and that “smore’s†are the best tasting stuff in history. I have also learned that people all over the world are so very different, and yet so very much the same. I have learned that a “braai†is in fact a “barbeque†and that saying “seeya†instead of “cheers†will get you a whole lot less poisonous looks. I have also really learned so much more about myself since the move. For example, I have learned that animals and nature mean so very much to me, and that my passion for the environment and biology is something so strong that I think it will always be a part of my life in some way, no matter what. Hopefully I will be attending the University of Queen’s in Kingston, Ontario soon to pursue my future in Biochemistry and dedicate the next couple years of my life to learning more about chemical processes and transformations in living organisms. I am also largely influenced and interested by many of the writings by Captain Paul Watson, especially those pertaining to his views on "Greenpeace" and the laws of interdependency.
Best Regards,