Drums, Piano, Lachrymology, Salvia Divinorum, Reading, Coffee, Wine, Music Therapy, Art, Meta-physics, Parapsychology, Astral Projection, Ghost Hunting, Caffeine, Music, Disembodied spirits, Sleeping, Writing music, My pets, psychedelics, Opiates, Eating healthy (I'm vegan), exercising and staying in shape.
Artists....They are a race completely apart from all other human beings. Their emotions, all their feelings, their reactions are opposed to so called "normal" people's settlements on a comfortable and manageable way of response. They are vulnerable and deeply sensitive people, due to their talents, their super imagination, and their knowledge of hidden influences in which ordinary human beings are not. They are not easy to live with at all, if you have the luck to meet one at all. They have to be handled with kind-gloves mentally and physically. All their reactions go to extremes compared to non-artistic human beings. I am lucky to work, love and meet many artists, as well as being one myself. I learned not with out heartbreak and pain, to become a better, more intelligent respectful and devoted person through myself and through these other artists. No tears were wasted in the process. My tears-not theirs.- M.M.
Every type of Metal - World Music - Jazz - Blues - Progressive rock - Persian - Indian - Mediteranian - Celtic - vocalists
Horror horror and more horror...oh and comedy
Seinfeld (best show ever!), Penn and Tellers BS, Chapelle Show, Daily Show, The Young Ones, Whos Line is it Anyway, History Channel.
Occult, Choke, Religion, Ghosts (ghost hunting), Autobiographies, Non-Fiction, Meta-physics, Aleister Crowley, Parapsychology, Murder, True Crime, Astral Travel, 1984, Political.
Faith is surrender of the mind and the surrender of reason. Out of all the virtues, faith is the most over-rated.