Thanks to an all volunteer military we as conscientous objectors do not have the constant spector of a draft hanging over our heads. However, anything is possible and in fact I am actually part of a small minority of realists who would actually support reinstating the draft. I mean this with paradoxical intention, because if a draft is enacted, Americans of all classes and backgrounds will be forced to look at the reality of the situation through the lense of having a loved one or themselves pressed into service for the war machine. In light of these realities, please help me bring back this organization to spread awareness of the tremendous cost war has on our society. Thanks to the unending costs of this new series of wars of imperial aggression it is no longer simply the soldiers who should be compensated in advance. This illegal war has had hidden costs of reportedly over $1.6 TRILLION dollars, that is hitting many Americans where it hurts, hindering their ability to grow our economy, educate their children, and enrich their communities. This is the plan of the international financiers and American politicians who have sold us out, order out of chaos is the rationale, we are the pawns who pay for it in blood, sweat, and tears, while many the soldiers pay the ultimate price. We were promised that Iraqi oil profits would pay for the reconstruction, that was a lie as oil production has yet to even surpass sanction era levels. We were also told that we went into Afghanistan to capture Bin Laden their CIA tactician, that was also part of a long string of lies.NO MORE!!
Fuck it!
Put down the remote and read!