Avi first began singing live in "Johnny Walsh's Irish Pub", Lyon in 1996. She had just graduated from University College Dublin and came to France to teach English in College Victor Schoelcher . After only a few nights of singing in "Johnny Walsh's, she continued to perform full time in pubs, cafes and festivals wooing the French / Irish audiences for the following two years. She also availed of the opportunity to travel to Norway where she played in Trondheim and Steinkjer.
Return to Ireland:
In 1999 Avi decided to put her skills to the test on home ground, a challenge she took even more seriously in Ireland, a country which is reputable for its wealth in music and talent. And you know what they say about finding it easier to let go of inhibitions further away from home!!?? Well, she needed to 'feel the fear' and do what she loves best...and that's singing! A qualified secondary school teacher, Avi found herself back in a routine job and lifestyle ( paying back all her debts!!!) enabling her to entertain at weekends mainly in Kilkenny, Tipperary and Waterford while working on her first album," No Alibis, No Lies ".
Recording Debut Album:
In September 2002, after returning from a short backpacking holiday in Australia Avi began recording for her debut album " No Alibis, No Lies".Inspired by her adventures and experiences in Oz ," Less than a Second"( Track 3 ) has become one of her most popular songs on the album!!. Many attribute this to her unique style and a voice that exudes both a sense of enjoyment and deep emotion. In August 2003 Avi won first prize in the Midlands 103/ Smirnoff Ice Star Search where she was awarded 5,000 euro, studio time with Roseland Recording Studio, sales and promotion with Heartbeat City Records and primetime advertising on Midlands Radio 103.
Launch of "No Alibis, No Lies"
In August 2004 Avi launched her Debut Album "No Alibis, No Lies" both in Kyteler's Inn, Kilkenny and in Polly's Pub, Templemore. The album contains eleven tracks, ten of which are written and composed by Avi. Davy Russell, bass player on her cd has written the song "Closure" . Her songs from the album have received extensive airplay from local radio stations nationwide particularly from Tipp Fm , Midlands 103, KCLR Fm, Northern Sound / Shannonside Fm. Avi received excellent reviews from Today Fm nationwide listeners after she performed live on Phil Cawley's Lunchbox Show on Friday 13th of August.
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