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"Everyone wants something without having any idea how to obtain it, and the really intriguing aspect of the situation is that nobody quite knows how to achieve what he desires. But because I know what I want and what the others are capable of, I am completely prepared."-Prince Klemens von Metternich
That quote from Metternich perfectly describes Anarchy Rises Productions and the extreme black/death metal scene. With the domination of record labels and commercialized brutality, many feel the metal world is becoming a parody of itself. The black and death metal genres emerged in the early and mid 1980's, rapidly becoming the ultimate expression of extreme metal. Other sub-genres have formed, yet none have been able to dominate with the same presence of black and death metal. However, almost 3 decades later black and death metal have been stagnating. With the emergence of Torrent sharing, Myspace, and advanced leaks, the market has been flooded with countless artists. Many of those artists go unnoticed for the sheer volume that has become online music. On the other hand, many artists have gotten false recognition because they appeal to the mass market and are willing to change for whatever record company will sign them.
These conditions are infecting and ultimately slaughtering extreme metal.
Anarchy Rises Productions is returning black and death metal to their original glory, while at the same time embracing and using tools of the new era. Times have changed and those who don't adapt to them will break.
What you can do to keep extreme metal alive:
Ψ Support Anarchy Rises Productions by posting our banner on your site
Ψ Send Anarchy Rises Productions your albums and demos to be reviewed and broadcasted to the world
Ψ Add Anarchy Rises Productions in your Top Friends list
Ψ Comment on the Anarchy Rises Productions Myspace page and blogs
Ψ Write to us and tell us what you want to see more of
Ψ Keep the unholy look in your eyes and throw the horns whenever possible
Ψ Wear your band T-shirts proudly and don't succumb to outside influence
Ψ Protest:
⊗ Ignorance
⊗ Passivity
⊗ Timidity
⊗ Weakness
⊗ Blind faith
⊗ Disablity
⊗ Excuses
⊗ The influence of society
Ψ Let every Bible carrying, false prophet following, Emo, Hardcore, Nu-metal, Screamo, idiot realize that black and death metal are here to stay. We are real, we are your worst nightmare, and we will never go away.
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*If you can't see the banner here or when posted on your own site, check your security settings. Most likely disabling Norton or your anti-virus program for a few minutes will fix the problem.
©Anarchy Rises Productions 2005-2008