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Hi. My name is Stevie and
I'm the owner and contributing author of
Web Goldmine Secrets.
.. .. .... .. .. My New Blog can help you avoid big Reverse Funnel System, Global Resorts Network and Network Marketing Pitfalls
living in 2 worlds...
Born and raised in France, now living in the US in Colorado, I love meeting people from all over the world. I've come to find out that each country and culture has a unique flavor and unique beauty.
But as a child, growing up living between 2 cultures, french and north-american, I was a "third-culture" kid. I felt like an outcast. Being somewhat socially unskilled in both worlds, I would occasionally unintentionally offend people. I spoke, dressed and generally appeared to conform in both cultures, yet I didn't feel like I belonged to either culture.
I finished high school with good grades but few life skills. I drifted for a few years, frustrated at my own immaturity and many stupid choices but not knowing how to move forward. I'd come from a good, loving family and I didn't seem to meet anyone's expectations, least of all my own.
Attending college off and on, I dabbled in the club and drug scene for awhile, sinking slowly into depression and self-loathing, coming up to breathe occasionally, hanging on to the hope that someday things would change. By age 30, I was a single mom with 2 kids.
It took the battering of the "school of hard knocks" to get me desperate enough to start looking for answers to my big questions: why was my performance so far from my potential? Why did I consistently choose mediocrity?
Trying to bring some kind of routine and stability into my little family's life, I put my 4 year old daughter in a private french school.
About that time, I started reading about home education...a concept that was somewhat foreign to me. After all, I'd had most of my schooling in France and what I'd had in the US had been in private religious schools. But I wasn't thrilled at the idea of keeping my sweet little girl in an environment that I wondered might dim her personality, twist her thinking and rob her creative spirit.
So a few years later, I pulled her out of school and we began our journey into self-education at home.
getting hope...
By that time, I was married and had another baby to take care of. Honestly, I was so depressed and discouraged that could barely take care of myself, let alone my children. So, unable to get out of bed for days on end, I would read in bed, trying to clear my mind of the cobwebs that had settled there, desperately looking for solutions to an intolerable situation.
I read books on true spirituality, on personal development, on education, on parenting, on business, on organizing, on ADD (which I'd finally been diagnosed with), on anything that refreshed and energized my mind. I was deliberately planting seeds of hope. I was squeezing out my inner demons with the Truth as my mind, soul and spirit were being renewed.
My children spent hours coloring, reading, playing, amusing themselves while I tried to get my act together. My husband was patient and encouraging. And slowly, over time, my mind began clearing up. I began to hope again. I began to cheerlead for myself, for my dreams and my ability to climb out of the pit I was in.
getting free...
In the process, I got addicted to learning, to discovering what a healthy, well-balanced, exciting life was all about. I learned that for things to change, I had to change. Wow! What a revolutionary concept for me. Instead of discouraging me, that concept catapulted me into taking action. I figured if I was the problem, I was also the solution.
I realized I wasn't simply a victim of outside circumstances and other people. I had been a victim of my own stinkin' thinkin' .
And so my passion for life-long learning was ignited and I knew that I had an opportunity not only to change my life but to help others do the same as I progressed along the path to healing my brokenness.
stepping into destiny...
Years later, I can say learning has been a fabulous adventure for me. In fact, God used it to save my life and put me back onto the path of my Destiny. While I don't believe in fate, I do believe in Destiny - that unique story that defines a person's purpose in life and contribution to the world. It is truly in discovering and actively pursuing Destiny that significant personal, spiritual and professional fulfillment and financial prosperity can be achieved.
As the mother of 5 wonderful children (kindergarten to college age) and as an entrepreneur, my biggest challenge recently has been to balance the needs of my family with the need to feed this delightful addiction to personal and professional growth, an incredibly enjoyable but occasionally frustrating endeavor.
I now develop and promote live and web-based events and products on the subjects of wealth mastery, investing, marketing, personal and professional excellence, and other congruent topics. I encourage YOU to discover the specific things that are holding you back and the mindset solutions and actions that will help you step into your Destiny .
Some of my Favorite Quotations:
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. - Helen Keller
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it. - Margaret Fuller
Character isn't something you were born with and can't change, like your fingerprints. It's something you weren't born with and must take responsibility for forming. - Jim Rohn
Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea. - Jim Rohn
Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion. - Jim Rohn
No matter what we feel or know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to life. - Dan Millman
Ancient Wisdom's secret to success: By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life. Proverbs 22:4
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