I was smokin a doob on the roof of the South Tower when the first plane hit. I no longer use drugs or ask God to give me a sign.
Risk takers - the best people. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////If I ever find this dude - we'll be buddies. This is what I used to do
Whatever sounds good, but Punk Rock rules. I like the new stuff but there is nothing like the Old School. Songs my band SQNS covers: Bite it you scum – GG Allin, United Forces – SOD, Religious wars – Subhumans, Angel of Death - Slayer, I wanna be your dog - Iggy Pop
NYHC, V is for Vendetta, American Hardcore
Only 2 kinds of people watch TV with regularity - idiots and those becoming idiots.
Those who don't read are no better off than those who can't. I'm always reading and I love to listen to audio books while I drive.
I have no heroes but I admire many.