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poet and writer

About Me

I am a writer of poetry and fantasy/sci-fi/horror. I have recently published 3 poems through Read Herrings Literary Journal, which can be purchased at www.lulu.com, or www.amazon.com. I have 3 collections of poetry and 3 horror/suspense stories at www.lifli.dk

I've just finished a collection of horror and suspense stories. 14 stories with monsters, killers, and horrible nightmares. Werewolves, zombies and evil clowns. The title is in danish: Apokalizard og andre kryb fra mareridtszonen, or in english: Apokalizard and other creeps from the nightmarezone. I recently changed the name to Hinsides Virkeligheden, Beyond Reality. 3 of the stories is here on this space, 2 of the stories is translated to english and 1 in original danish language. and now I am collecting to another package of gore: Hvardan smager Mordbær? - How is the taste of Murderberries? More bloody and dangerous. And as they say: bigger, better, faster, more....

The novels I am writing on is:

WORLDCREATOR (Verdensskaber) a sci-fi trilogy about selfishness and sacrifise. Dr. Nailiys Stumploch, who is plunched into hornets nest. accused for murder, while working on a mystirious and lurid discovery, a theory he is researching on together with dr. Dieter Zind under the working title: The cuckoo younger's principle.

THE DEAD TRAILS OF LONDON (1-7). For the moment I am researching for a bookseries I have decided to take place in the streets of London: The dead trails of London. It's the idea, that the stories will be based on some of the mysteries and historic events, together with religious beliefs and other way of thinking that London is filled with. It will contain 5 books of instant horror and suspense, only connected together with a line of blood.

ESPIAN VARGO. A dark gothic tale of a boy who lives in Sevilla in 1890's. He has the ability to disappear into the shadows. he is homeless, but help the actors and the working men in a theatre. Suddently many grusome events occur. Espian is accused for murder on 2 girls with tb, werewolves are seen coming towards the city, and all the streets is wrapped in darkness by the darknessweavers, who has made a trap to catch Goth Nocturna, the mayor of Sevillas worst nightmare. a battle between good and evil is coming down in the streets of Sevilla.

CITIZEN ZERO A thriller of a man who loses his identity, in the computersystems. He struggles to find the answer for his disappearence, and a solution for the problem. The question is, is he the only one who is lost?


My Interests

Writing poems, short stories and novels, mostly sci-fi, fantasy and horror drawning, designing websites, frontcovers mostly for my own books and playing music

Finally I got something published. Through Read Herrings Literary Journal 6 poems by Tue, is going world wide. Click on the picture link and preview or buy the journal

here are 2 new poems for you to read:

… And the storm takes the rest

I found your words spread around in the landscape Pieces that didn’t make sense Harsh settings and cruel rhetoric Coming after the rejection Of your worth

The tracks leaded out to a rough sea covered of tall waves That threw you away from the clue The knowledge of something hidden Which we overlooked in the laughter Of your yearning

In raving wind I stand wondering over the expectations pressure We all feel to the thoughts of the dreamers But we scorn the child’s view of what we see Now that words no longer Is heard from your mouth

All that you built to take root in our world Is spread over fields of forgetfulness All the words we thought to know Silent is the lips That wanted to teach

The shadow of the wisdom we rejected for ourselves And the hand that wished to guide us But the words is whispering away

… And the storm takes the rest


The journey of the senses

Late I sensed The difference in the air between us As distant drums That warningly thunders While cascades of glimpses Glows of light That splinters between hands The electricity we shoot between our bodies

Do you want to be free of chains, I’d never lay on your heart Do we have to love far away from each others arms And kiss the memory Your lips laid on my sense journey

It is all services’ payment To loose what I’ve been fighting for So she could get a life Even if it was without me

On my journey of the senses She was the one I would die for So she once again could arise from the sleep Burst the grains in the lid of the eyes And end the journey of the senses On the top Of the kiss’ wave


I'd like to meet:

writers og friends with interest in writing and other creative people. Musicians, designers, painters.


Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, black&death metal, punk, goth, industrial, Arcade Fire, The Damned, Christian Death, The Clash, Waterboys, Levellers, U2 the list is much longer but I only have 10 fingers and 1 keyboard...


Horror, sci-fi, fantasy


David Bowie, Spawn, The Crow, Tom Waits

My Blog

I am back in Read Herrings Literary Journal no. II

Then I am back with new poems in the new edition of Read Herrings Literary Journal. I have a long poem. Look for more on our profile.  
Posted by tue on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 02:00:00 PST

Read Herrings Literary Journal

Read Herrings Literary Journal can now be purchased through Amazon.com and Barnes&Noble
Posted by tue on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 11:26:00 PST

Apokalizard changing name

I have changed the name of the collection og horrorstories I recenetly called Apokalizard to Hinsides Virkeligheden/Beyond Reality. Maybe this can make it easier to get published.
Posted by tue on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 11:11:00 PST

Fjordhuset to be published on www.lifli.dk

I’m thrilled. Lifli.dk were so pleased with this horrorstory, that they used the best phrases a writer could get. Exstremely good story, very creative, good plot Tue Omø...
Posted by tue on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:03:00 PST

Poetry Corner on www.nexus-univers.dk

English speaking: Are you a poet and are looking for readers? Then send your poems to us and we will put it on our website for free. The subject is free of choice. The only condition is that the poem ...
Posted by tue on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 02:14:00 PST

Publishers precaution

I just got my manuscript back from a publisher, with a denial of publishing my horrorstories. The reason was not the question of quality, the stories were wellwritten the letter said. But because they...
Posted by tue on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 06:43:00 PST


YES, my name appeared on the list of poets that will be published in the first edition of the journal. I am very proud, because 6 of my poems will be in the journal in both english and the original da...
Posted by tue on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 12:41:00 PST

ApokaLizard, short stories

Now I have finished a collection of horror short stories. I have named it: ApokaLizard and otherr creeps form the nightmare Zone. It took me 5 months to complete. It contains old works and new stuff. ...
Posted by tue on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 04:34:00 PST

short story - The call of Lucy Crake

The call of Lucy Crake It was the last evening I spended in this room, I had rented for a while. The walls were rotten. Lamps blinked when I wanted light, the water went ice cold a few seconds after I...
Posted by tue on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 11:47:00 PST

short story - The Risky Play

Do you think that there, somewhere else in this world, is a man who exactly looks like you, and in this moment is responsible for me coming in this situation&" The papers wrote a couple of days ago...
Posted by tue on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 11:20:00 PST