I am a writer of poetry and fantasy/sci-fi/horror. I have recently published 3 poems through Read Herrings Literary Journal, which can be purchased at www.lulu.com, or www.amazon.com. I have 3 collections of poetry and 3 horror/suspense stories at www.lifli.dk
I've just finished a collection of horror and suspense stories. 14 stories with monsters, killers, and horrible nightmares. Werewolves, zombies and evil clowns. The title is in danish: Apokalizard og andre kryb fra mareridtszonen, or in english: Apokalizard and other creeps from the nightmarezone. I recently changed the name to Hinsides Virkeligheden, Beyond Reality. 3 of the stories is here on this space, 2 of the stories is translated to english and 1 in original danish language. and now I am collecting to another package of gore: Hvardan smager Mordbær? - How is the taste of Murderberries? More bloody and dangerous. And as they say: bigger, better, faster, more....
The novels I am writing on is:
WORLDCREATOR (Verdensskaber) a sci-fi trilogy about selfishness and sacrifise. Dr. Nailiys Stumploch, who is plunched into hornets nest. accused for murder, while working on a mystirious and lurid discovery, a theory he is researching on together with dr. Dieter Zind under the working title: The cuckoo younger's principle.
THE DEAD TRAILS OF LONDON (1-7). For the moment I am researching for a bookseries I have decided to take place in the streets of London: The dead trails of London. It's the idea, that the stories will be based on some of the mysteries and historic events, together with religious beliefs and other way of thinking that London is filled with. It will contain 5 books of instant horror and suspense, only connected together with a line of blood.
ESPIAN VARGO. A dark gothic tale of a boy who lives in Sevilla in 1890's. He has the ability to disappear into the shadows. he is homeless, but help the actors and the working men in a theatre. Suddently many grusome events occur. Espian is accused for murder on 2 girls with tb, werewolves are seen coming towards the city, and all the streets is wrapped in darkness by the darknessweavers, who has made a trap to catch Goth Nocturna, the mayor of Sevillas worst nightmare. a battle between good and evil is coming down in the streets of Sevilla.
CITIZEN ZERO A thriller of a man who loses his identity, in the computersystems. He struggles to find the answer for his disappearence, and a solution for the problem. The question is, is he the only one who is lost?