BeBe Kitten profile picture

BeBe Kitten

Sin City/Skin City/Spun City

About Me

"Little Bit About Me" Updated 6/16
Hello there, my name is Kristy. Some people call me Kitty or Bebe. Personally, so long as I know it's me you're talking to I'm not picky on the name thing.I'm pretty friendly and easy to talk to, I'm big on laughter and good conversation. I don't have any list of things I check off when it comes to who I know or don't know. Different people bring different things to the table and I'd rather have a mix of personalities when it comes to my friends then many versions of the same thing. If you get what I mean. I tend to mesh best with people who either have qualities I don't and counter balance things out, or people who have things about them that I like about me. I'm not really looking to know another me, I like there only being one.I have a pretty long list of "contacts" and people i hangout with and very few close friends that I consider my extended family. I figure that way I get a nice mix of quality in my day to day life and can have a crew of party people for when it's that sort of time. That said, my door's always open to good people and I'm always hoping to spot that *certain something*.. I guess the *it factor* in people.I enjoy spending time with my family, mini golf, good books, movie nights, joyriding, bottles of wine, cocktails with friends, playing outside, walking my dogs, conversations that have great flow, travel and wandering, laughing, subtle flirtation, surprises, daydreaming, being in a moment you'll never forget and realizing it, looking back on a day to remember and thinking "wow, that was perfect".I have a bit of a party girl side, that I enjoy when I'm in that kind of mood. Not that I needed to state that fact :) I've calmed down lots over the past year. I'm single and I like having fun, however it's not a lifestyle.. or even an every weekend thing.Feel free to message with any questions, random thoughts, or that such thing. I get lots of stuff on here and I can't write back to everything I receive or I'd live with my laptop attached to me, but I still like hearing from you guys. I miss the days of the chatbox I had on here, I could chat away with you all quick and easy, but then someone posted my phone number.. not cool. I don't write back to mesages that read "ur hot" or "thanks for the add".. not that I'm an ungrateful brat, just I think it goes without saying I appreciate the sentiment and thank you veddy veddy much for being so sweet :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Welcomed Additions:
Quality people that bring a positive addition into my life.& eventually*the missing piece*Please click here to join Social Vibe. When you join, I earn points towards my cause, and you can too once you signup :)


Air,International Noise Conspiracy,Spiritualized,Meat Beat Manifesto,Blur,Jondi and Spesh,Pulp,The Verve,Spacemen 3,A Tribe Called Quest,Outkast,Beasties,Debussey,Delta 9,Dj Shadow,Dj Spooky,A Perfect Circle,Queens Of The Stoneage,Missy Elliot,Broadcast,Chemical Brothers,U2(mostly earlier stuff)Doves,Felix The Housecat,David Bowie,Flaming Lips,Crue,Franz Ferdinand,Lords Of Acid,Kyuss,Goldfrapp,Mozart,Towa Tei,Combustible Edison,Hybrid,Kahimi Karie,Life Of Agony,Noisebox,Way Out West,Ladytron,Zeppelin,GnR,De La Soul,Ludacris,Massive Attack,Kylie Minouge,Daft Punk,50 Cent,The Streets,Black Rebel Motorcycle Club,Pop Will Eat Itself,N.E.R.D.,Portishead,Coldplay,Jeff Buckley,Jimi Hendrix,Prodigy,Primal Scream,Pizzacato 5,Tool,Dandy Wharhols,Sneaker Pimps,Britney Spears(Yep,I listed it),Rolling Stones,Beach Boys,Bjork,Fischerspooner,The Cure,Deep Dish,Mercury Rev,Type 0 Negative(yeah I know),Velvet Underground,Esquivel,Chosen Few,Les Baxter,White Stripes,Radiohead,Roni Size,Miss Kittin,Clinic,Blondie,My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult,Nine Inch Nails,Cocteau(MS) Twins,Sigor Ros,Chopin,Slowdive,Sonic many more...I LOVE MUSIC!!!


LOL....Nerd Time..... Closer,2001 a Space Odyssey,The Shining,Dr. Strangelove,Requiem For a Dream,Pi,Clockwork Orange,Twin Peaks,Eye of the Beholder,Napoleon Dynamite,Audition,Velvet Goldmine,Vertigo,Charade,Breakfast At Tiffanys,The Game,Cabin Fever,Ringu,In The Mood For Love,Heat,The Searchers,Farewell My Concubine,Hero,Tombstone,Ichi The Killer,Dead or Alive,Taxi Driver,Wyatt Earp,Network,Chinatown,Risky Business,Boogie Nights,The Pink Panther,Casino Royale,Valley Of The Dolls,A Life Less Ordinary,The Stepford Wives,Reservoir Dogs,Kill Bill,Kill Bill 2,True Romance,E.T.,Close Encounters of the Third Kind....I'm a film nerd


TV SUCKS!!! LOL...really I don't watch it much at all,if I do it's stuff like home channel or travel stuff...


I Adore Damon Albarn...He's Lovely~♥


My Blog

Why Oh Why(NEW)

Hello, hello.. I hope everyone is doing well :)It's been so super long since I've written one of these blog things.. lemme give it a go tho since I've got some free time!Summer kept me busy(which is m...
Posted by BeBe Kitten on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 08:02:00 PST

About your

I posted this as a bulletin earlier and got hundreds of replies basically agree'ing and a couple telling me I was a b*tch and to f*ck off. So I figured I'd leave it on here for future reference, for t...
Posted by BeBe Kitten on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 02:52:00 PST

Meeting People Is Easy

It has been flippin FOREVER since I've blogged it up soooo i'll touch on a subject that has left me going "hmmmm" now that summer's over and I'm looking back on the experiences I've had.Meeting people...
Posted by BeBe Kitten on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 03:26:00 PST

Yeah Baby,I Like My Bitches Feisty

Hey my luvvas and I'm sure some haters as well...I hope all is well in your worlds :) Ok,so I've had my mail set to away for days now...sorry but I got way behind on my mail and I feel like such a ...
Posted by BeBe Kitten on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 10:26:00 PST

No Sex Tonight!!!

No,Im not really drunk,it's like 1:30,lol! I just like his googly eyes:) For real,no sex since I'm all alone and hoo...I know what a shame.Anyhow that's not what this bulletin is to h...
Posted by BeBe Kitten on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

St. Patricks Night

Just got in from hanging out with Tiffany.We went to a beofre it opens preview of the Ring 2.It was kinda strange the way they had it all top security...they wanna look in your bag,though my hands wer...
Posted by BeBe Kitten on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST