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About Me

I guess for some reason people want to know alot more about me- so here it goes: FIRST and foremost ! I am NOT a PIMP, Personal Trainer, Photographer or Body Guard and "NO" I don't work for Playboy! What do I do for a living ? Irrelevant, I am NOT here to prospect clients or scour for business opportunities, I am fortunate enough to have so many friends (some of them gorgeous, eh, excuse me, very gorgeous), because I am a cool dude ! So, to all of you HATERS out there - STEP OFF ! Maybe you should try and be respectful, kind and gracious towards other people -that may get you appreciated as well ! Now:Most of my life has been a challenge for me, growing up without a father figure (my father died in Vietnam), most of my teenage years without a "real" mother (my mother passed away when I was 13 years old) and therefore I don't expect to have anything GIVEN to me - EVERYTHING MUST BE EARNED ! Life HAS to be earned in order to be appreciated ! Life can take you in many different directions - It is up to YOU if this is to be a positive experience or not !My heritage is a quarter Puerto Rican, a quarter African American, a quarter Yugoslavian and a quarter Czech. I was born and raised in Germany and speak fluent German.After my mother passed away, I was fortunate enough to be adopted at age 14 and my adopted family is responsible for my excellent schooling (Punahou High school)and loving upbringing.I love to travel and discover new places, but prefer doing so only with a female companion. I "escape" to tropical resorts in Hawaii to forget about the mundaneness of life.I love to read, mostly Business Week, Fortune and other Investment related periodicals; however the occasional fiction book has sparked my interest as well (Dan Brown as of late).Will I ever get married ? In this day & age, marriage is a difficult proposition, however, if I were to find an understanding, kind, forgiving, loyal soulmate, I would certainly entertain that possibility, since I love children so much.I value education above almost everything else and have NO patience with people who eschew it.There you have it, ME in a nutshell !Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

Winning (anything) I am VERY competitive; Gambling; Working out, dancing (especially trance), Basketball (playing and watching); Tennis; chillin and watching movies with a special someone; travelling (warm places ideally); Getting pampered (massages, pedicures...) Getting to know different cultures, Watching Discovery Channel; Travel Channel; Documentaries dinner w/friends; walking the beach - not alone, however; reading (Inspirational & fiction)


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I'd like to meet:

Interesting people; people who will enhance my life experiences in a positive way; intelligent people who are willing to share their knowledge with me; successful people (success leaves clues...); happy people; "real" people.
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ANYTHING by DJ TIESTO - HE IS DA BOMB ! All kinds, depends on the mood working out - trance; romancing - blues/r&b; massages- mood music. top 40 sometimes; rock "only" select songs; hiphop - YES Rap - some.
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Wall Street; Scarface; Love actually; Matrix trilogy; The Lord of the Rings; Seven; It's a wonderful life; Casino; Goodfellas;


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I don't watch network television unless it's CNBC (during market hours) or Sporting events , but I have enjoyed Sex & the City; Seinfeld, Friends and the Sopranos

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"Confessions of a Street Addict" by James Cramer; Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown; Angels & Demons by Dan Brown; Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse; Liars poker by Michael Lewis; The Seven Spiritual Laws by DeePak Chopra; The Art of War by Sun Tzu; Den of Thieves by James B. Stewart and finally, Predators Ball by Connie Bruck


My real mother and my adopted mother.
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My Blog

Things that make you go, Mmmmh....

Sometimes I sit and wonder...Have you ever noticed how People pay a lot more attention to you once you "stopped" paying too much attention to them ?Or, how once your girlfriend/boyfrien...
Posted by Rico on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:31:00 PST

How to become a Celebrity !

Another quiet evening and yet another disquieting thought is running through my constantly  meandering mind - What is a Celebrity and how does one become one ?Webster defines Celebrity as "a wide...
Posted by Rico on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 09:29:00 PST


Even Sunshine Burns If you Get Too MuchAfter a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't always mean ...
Posted by Rico on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 08:51:00 PST


Eddie wanted desperately have sex with this real cute, real hot girl at his office...but she was dating someone else.  One day Eddie got so frustrated watching her sashaying back and forth in fro...
Posted by Rico on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 04:56:00 PST

Beautiful ? Nice Guy ? No, thank you, I'd rather be rich !

It's increasingly and blatantly more apparent to me that in this day and age, wealth has surpassed good looks, kindness and moral fortitude as the ultimate aphrodisiac for desirable young women i...
Posted by Rico on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:44:00 PST


Loving the right person at the wrong time,having the wrong person when the time is rightand finding out you love someone right afterthat person walks out of your life...And sometimes you think you're ...
Posted by Rico on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 12:40:00 PST

Have you EVER noticed...

Have you ever noticed, the different ways people on MySpace "use" the website to pull themselves from the doldrums of utter boredom into a universe of "Look at me - I am somebody", in which each and e...
Posted by Rico on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 11:50:00 PST

IF you REALLY want to make this work...

I must say that over the last few years I have been fortunate enough to have  met a bevy of universally perceived as "gorgeous", young ladies, who have felt comfortable enough around me to let me...
Posted by Rico on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 09:42:00 PST

Anatomy of the FIRST phonecall !

Have you ever wondered what goes through a man's mind before he attempts to contact a beautiful girl who's number he was lucky enough to obtain ?  Well, first of all, the important question is H...
Posted by Rico on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:47:00 PST

The Pursuit of Happiness !

Happiness - what does it mean ? Webster's defines Happiness as: delighted or pleased; characterized by or indicative of pleasure or joy; favored by fortune. Wealth ? Perhaps. Beauty ? Certainly. Hea...
Posted by Rico on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 07:14:00 PST