Ed O'neill, Chevy Chase, Jack Black, David Duchovney, Ryan Reynolds, the entire cast of LOST, Jeff Gordon, Dennis Miller, Rush Limbaugh, FOX and Friends morning team, Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, NASA Astronauts, any of my relatives living in Europe, etc. If I were to think about this one enough, I could come up with a very loooong list. Basically, I enjoy meeting and spending time with anyone that is fun-loving, interesting, trustworthy and that has a good sense of humor.
To watch the Sarah Palin rally that I was fortunate enough to get front row VIP seats for, use this link: http://www.theindychannel.com/video/17749700/index.html
Dislikes: I dislike people that are dishonest, elitist, lazy, leftist, as well as those that profess to know all about a complex scientific topic (ex. the root cause of climate change) when they are scientifically ignorant of the subject and have never conducted original research or published a scientific paper in their life.
For those who are demanding that we stop using hydrocarbon-based energy sources, consider this fact. Currently, the USA generates (and consumes) 676,000,000 megawatts (MW) of power each year. The total energy contribution from wind sources is 0.3% of our total need. The contribution from solar is less than 0.1% of the total need. As a scientist, I totally support the R&D of new, renewable energy sources - but I am also a realist, and the obvious truth is that we are a looooonnnnng way away from being able to turn our backs on coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear sources of energy.
With China going through an industrial growth spurt similar to ours nearly 100 years ago, the world-wide demand for available oil will grow exponentially - thus the price for fuel is also going to grow significantly unless we become much more energy independant. This will require drilling for more American oil in places currently off-limits as well as the construction of new refineries and nuclear reactors. Currently 70% of the oil used in the USA is purchased from foreign sources. And this % is growing each year. Wake up people.