Sales, Furniture
Good news for people that have credit problems...Norton Furniture is here for you. Now...SERIOUSLY...If you can't get credit at my can't get credit ANYWHERE. Norton Furniture guarantees same day delivery.My name is Marc, and you can count on it...
687-1660! 687-1660! is the theme music.
My personal music collection includes Simon and Garfunkle, Jefferson Starship, Jefferson Airplane, The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, The Cars, The Police. You know, mellow music. Serious music.
Meteor Man, Of Mice and Men, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Predator.
my commercials....on late night local tv channels in the Cleveland area.
And also Star Trek and Brady Bunch.
Of Mice and Men, Interstellar Pig, various Isaac Amisov books. coffee table books are good too. else is just....regular human you and me....we all bleed red....