adopt your own virtual pet!Everything really you set a time and date im game if its free, otherwise might take a while but ill try get involved.
Everyone [life is short can't be picky]
Like abit of everything give it a retro twist and ill be there! ^check out this chick she rocks!^
gona try pretty this up soon with loadsa photos i think sum1 shud message me code how to tho please?
Mighty Boosh,River Cottage and any stand up really or something good and dramatic/surreal
Clockwork Orange,1984,American Psycho,The Very Hungry Catipillar,Like Lorenzo Carcatera and Thomas Harris' books to.
Doc Holliday,The Joker and Batman...
‘I can only recommend travel above anything else as a method of expanding horizons, you certainly may think you understand, at least, a tiny portion of life, but really once you fuck off outside the country - that’s all a wanker’s dream…’
L.G. King