Impromatic began in 2006, when Jack, after noticing a slight lack of Indie bands in a predominately Screamo dominated local scene, thought he'd learn guitar and get a few of his friends to learn instruments too, have a go at singing and start a band. Making no progress, and without a drummer, Jack convinced Kieran to have a go at drumming.
Fortunately, Kieran found that he had a natural talent for hitting things in time. The band was then reduced to just Jack and Kieran, but they continued anyway. Then, after working on a improvisation song at practice, Kieran started calling it "Impromatic" , which they liked so much, they decided to name the band after it.
Then, the day after the band's first gig, Kieran noticed that it said on David's Myspace profile that he plays Bass, Jack asked him if he'd like to join the band, and he agreed.
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This is us performing "I've Lost You But I've Got New Shoes" at Studio 24. Can't really hear much other than the guitar but ah well.
This is us playing "Decline To Your Own Bassline" at practice, Kieran going a bit crazy lol. Yay for camera phones...