Soul Ready is an exciting new night to be hosted at Satchmos, 97 Stoke Newington High Road, every 1st Sunday of the month 9pm till late. The idea was formulated by Wesley Lucas and Sabina Challenger after they both discovered that a platform is needed for real Jazz, Funk and R'n'B Musicians to meet and jam with equally talented and like minded musicians in a creative and innovative way.The night has been formated similar to an open mic night. Musicians will be required to put their name on a list and will be called to jam with other musicians on the stage.On the night, a keyboard, drum kit and guitar will be available, as well as three mics, however, you are welcome to bring your own instruments.As well as an open jam session, there is also an opportunity to perform a half hour showcase. If you are interested in doing a show case please send a demo to
[email protected] or guide us to your My Space pageEntry: FREE FREE FREE
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