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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
In September 1998, thousands gathered in Berkeley, California, for conference that founded Critical Resistance’s movement to abolish the prison industrial complex (PIC). Each participant, with their own experiences of oppression and resistance, watched as diverse struggles were unified: by humanity, hope, and the shared vision of a different world. We witnessed a vision of a world with truly safe, healthy, and whole communities; a world with unconditional access to self-determination and dignity for all; and, critically, a world without imprisonment, policing, and other forms of punishment and control.
To celebrate 10 years of Critical Resistance, thousands will converge once more, September 26-28, 2008, in Oakland, California, for CR10, a 10th Anniversary Celebration and Strategy Session.
Over the past decade, the movement to eliminate the PIC has face tremendous challenges. We have witnessed rising levels of imprisonment in the US and around the world. We have endured passage of the USAPATRIOT Act of 2001, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, increasing surveillance and policing in our lives. Meanwhile, US-led wars continue to ravage communities around the globe. We have witnessed the increased repression and criminalization of migrants and immigrants, people of color, young people, and queer communities. We have seen California prepare to embark on the biggest prison building project in history as the Gulf Coast region continues to struggle and to prevail in spite of ongoing neglect and militarization.
During this period Critical Resistance has also developed into a leading force fighting against the use of imprisonment, policing, and surveillance as responses to social, economic, and political problems. During the past 10 years we have:
• Brought the idea of the prison industrial complex (PIC) into mainstream conversations;
• Substantially increased collaboration of PIC abolitionists with organizers in environmental justice, anti-violence, and queer movements;
• Promoted prisoners, former prisoners, and their loved ones as the real experts on the system;
• Provided a platform and jumping off point for new organizations and organizing efforts; and
• Contributed to dozens of local and regional victories across the country.
We have seen only the beginning of what we can accomplish together. CR10 promises to propel this momentum forward, with united, strategic force. Through workshops, skill shares, performances, action, reflection and celebration, CR10 aims to reunite our voices, reinvigorate our collective refusal to be silenced and strengthen our collective will to build a world without walls.
Produced and directed by Ashley Hunt, "I Won't Drown on that Levee and You Ain't Gonna' Break my Back," documents and analyses the use of the PIC as a disaster response tool through the evacuation of Orleans Parish Prison, the building of the "Greyhound Jail" inside the New Orleans' Greyhound Station, and the ongoing criminalization of hurricane survivors in housing, employment, education, and health care. Contains footage from our October Press Conference on the status of prisoners, interviews with family members, news clips and archival film. Check out a clip on our website:
Directed by Ashley Hunt
A project of the Corrections Documentary Project. 30 minutes.
We are asking for a donation of $10-$200 for this film and to support our work -- get your copy today!
Produced in conjunction with Critical Resistance & Deep Dish TV's America Behind Bars Series
This video contains two documentaries drawn from the historic Critical Resistance conference:
USA, INCarcerated, outlines the growth of the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC), the social trade-offs made to support it, and the PIC's place in the global economy. (23 minutes.)
Visions of Freedom features highlights from the historic 1998 founding Critical Resistance National conference, weaving together music, poetry, and speakers. (29 minutes.)
Suggested Donation $20 plus Shipping
A PRISON IN THE FIELDS: False Progress in the Central Valley
Now Available from Critical Resistance, this 20 minute documentary debunks the myth that prison are economic drivers for impoverished rural communities and gives voice to local opposition to the California Department of Corrections' plan to build a $595 million, 5,160 bed prison in Delano, California, the birthplace of the United Farm Workers.
The video also features excerpts from Joining Forces: Environmental Justice and the Fight Against Prison Expansion Conference held in February 2001 at Fresno State University.
Directed by Ashley Hunt
Suggested Donation $20 plus Shipping
Written by CR founder and Los Angeles-based member Ruthie Gilmore, Golden Gulag shows how and why California embarcked on what one state analyst called "the biggest prison building project in the history of the world" in the 1980s and 1990s, and what grassroots organizations - including Critical Resistance - have done to stop this dangerous trend. Now more than ever, this beautifully written and thoroughly researched book is an essential tool in the fight against prison and jail expansion everywhere.
Suggested Donation $20, plus Shipping
"When it was first published almost three decades ago, Instead of Prisons proposed a conceptual toolkit for those of us who believed then that ever larger numbers of prisons would result in a dangerous entrenchment of the racism we were trying to eliminate. We now face what was our worst nightmare: proliferating penal institutions linked to a global prison industrial complex that transforms bodies of color into society's excess. The republication of this handbook by Critical Resistance is a response to this contemporary emergency. Prisons must be abolished or there will be no hope for a democratic future." - Angela Y. Davis, UC Santa Cruz
Suggested Donation $20, plus Shipping
Critical Resistance developed this toolkit to answer the question: once we agree abolition is a good idea, what do we do? The Toolkit is a set of writings, exercises, and resources to help explain the idea of abolishing the prison industrial complex (PIC), start thinking about abolition issues, develop strategies for talking about and organizing abolitionist work, and tools to start using abolition as our vision and our strategy.
CR members are available to do trainings or workshops on the toolkit - please call 510-444-0484, or email us for more info on trainings.
Suggested Donation $15, plus Shipping
Critical Resistance Oakland is proud to present the Abolitionist newspaper.
From the first issue's open letter: "When a prisoner suggested we entitle this quarterly newspaper The Abolitionist, we couldn't help but revel in the title's historical significance. The original Abolitionist was a monthly journal of the New England Antislavery Society that agitated for the immediate abolition of slavery back in 1835. Not only does this name connect the enduring racism of slavery to the prison industrial complex, it demonstrates how a newspaper can act as a vehicle of liberation.
We envision this newspaper not only further exposing and criticizing the prison industrial complex - this modern form of slavery and social control- but also collectively organizing and positively asserting our will to live in a just, free world. Like our predecessors, our task is to abolish an institution that has been deemed 'unchangeable' by many."
The Abolitionist is completely bilingual (Spanish/English), and comes out quarterly. Regular subscriptions to the Abolitionist are $35 for four issues per year. This regular subscription not only includes every issue of the Abolitionist mailed to your house, but helps us pay to send free copies to prisoners. Low income subscriptions of $8, which covers our printing and mailing costs for the four issues, are also available. And prisoners receive the paper free of charge (donations of stamps welcomed!)
Back-up issues are also available, please indicate the issue number on your order.
De la carta abierta del primer ejemplar: "Cuando un prisionero sugirio que titularamos este periodico trimestral 'La Abolicionsta,' tuvimos que revelar por lo menos en el significado historico del nombre. La Abolicionista original era un periodico mensual de la Sociedad Anti-Esclavitud de Nueva Inglaterra, que agitaba por la abolicion inmediata de la esclavitud en 1835. Este nombre no solamente une el legado de la esclavitud al complejo industrial penal, sino tambien demuestra como un periodico puede funcionar como un vehiculo de la liberacion.
Prevemos que este periodico no solamente va a desvelar y criticar al complejo industrial penal - esta forma contemporanea de esclavitud y control social - sino que tambien va a organizar colectivamente y afirmar positivamente nuestra voluntad de vivir en un mundo justo y libre. Como nuestros predecesores, nuestro trabajo es abolir una institucion que muchos han considerado 'inalterable.'"
El Abolicionista es completamente bilingue (Espanol/Ingles), y se publica cuatro veces el ano. La subscripcion por las 4 ediciones tiene un costo de $35 por ano. Las subscripciones regulares incluyen los costos de el envio a su domicilio y tambien contribuye para poder enviar copias gratuitas a prisoneros. Tambien hay subscripciones anuales disponibles para personas de bajos ingresos y el costo es de $8 dls, esta tarifa cubre los costos de impresion y gastos de envio por las 4 ediciones anuales. Los prisoneros reciben este periodico gratuitamente (las donaciones de estampillas postales son bienvenidas!).
Ediciones extras tambien estan disponibles, por favor especifique el numero de edicion que desea.