anyone unique. anyone who forgives bad spelling.
I love almost every style of music.
I love almost every genre of music.
The greatest song ever writen was;
FORREST GUMP SUITE by ALAN SILVERSTRI. ~ I know, it sounds weird, but at least listen, you'll be amazed.
I love almost every genre of movies not in any particular order.I am starting to hate movies where I can identify the villian, the hero, the love interest, the ending, within the first 10 minutes. I kind of look at those movies like lazy wriing.
A call to all authors, Shadow Forest Authors is a fellowship of authors for charity. Our mission is to get authors from around the world and from all genres to unite with SFA and participate in donating books and e-books to selected beneficiaries, literary foundations who fill a much needed void in books.SFA is now up and running and we invite authors to get listed and participate in this worthy cause. All we ask is that authors donate a copy of their title to a SFA beneficiary of their choice, one being that of the Anthony Robbins foundation. Participating authors receive a mention on the SFA site and the chance to sell further books via our unique supporter program.Come join us, united we can fill a much needed void in worldwide literacy issues.http://www. shadowforestauthors. comThank you for your attentionPost Script: We would appreciate you passing this invitation onto other authors, every little bit helps.