This is a fan page devoted to the motion picture MOEBIUS, directed by Gustavo Mosquera R. Below is an excerpt from the November-December 1997 issue of Film Comment:
"The picture begins in the nerve center of a fictional labyrinthine subway system in Buenos Aires. Signal lights mysteriously trip. The eerie Doppler of an invisible train approaches out of nowhere, then fades. In time we learn that a subway train with over thirty passengers has disappeared. To find it, the Director of the transit system, Marcos Blasi (Roberto Carnaghi), enlists the help of a young topologist named Daniel Pratt (Guillermo Angelelli), whose architectural firm designed the complex network of subway lines.... Eventually Pratt comes to the conclusion that the closed subway network, with its infinite connections, has begun to operate like a Moebius strip, the curious inverted loop first identified by German mathematician August Moebius. The missing train, Number 86, has 'disappeared' into another dimension, running at an infinite speed on an endless loop. Of course this explanation does not sit well with Blasi and the other disbelieving bureaucrats. A train disappeared? How can this be? It's not possible. 'And yet,' replies Pratt, 'it has happened.' A suspenseful science-fiction drama, the film doubles as a magical-realist metaphor for the 'disappeared' persons of Argentina's long, dark military era. ..."
Based on the short story, "A Subway Named Moebius" by A. J. Deutsch, first published in Astounding Science-Fiction in 1950, Gustavo Mosquera's MOEBIUS is a marvel of cinematic invention!