Sleep, bitches, food and gambling.
I am sponsoring another local girls week in mid-Dec! The sluttiest local girls make the top 8 and recieve as prizes, a Charlie Blake blow-up doll, astroglide and a napkin. Contestants must be female and willing to do slutty things. Sorry no heavies.
I used to list all of my friend's bands in here but fuck them.
I love movies but honestly most actors and actresses should have their faces punched in. Quit taking yourselves so fucking seriously and read the lines they wrote for you you fuck. Sorry thats just how I feel.
The main source of light in my life.
All of my heros are dead but if you are a male between the ages of 17-26 and I am not your hero then you should admit that you're a fag and head downtown, look for a dick to suck and ponder which hairdressing school to attend in the fall.